Here’s some interesting dreamy tidbits that recently came across my desk. Most are new articles and research studies, although a couple are older… but new to me. Enjoy!
New children’s book on lucid dreaming in the works. Renee Frances has a new book project on Kickstarter that I just love: The Good Night Fairy helps Via change her dream. It’s a lucid dreaming book aimed at children, who are naturals at being big dreamers.
Nightmares are linked to depression and anxiety. New research by Finnish scientists have new data about what triggers bad dreams, published in the journal Sleep.
5 yoga moves to help you sleep. Super helpful article from Yahoo Health.
New evidence that sleep paralysis has a genetic switch. This is a twin study, based on over 800 siblings. Yeah, it’s totally genetic.
The full moon really does affect your sleep and dreams. This piece actually came out in 2013, but I missed it. The study is published in Current Biology, and long story short, no one really has a decent theory why moon power is so strong, except that perhaps our body rhythms use the moon’s light as a timer. Purpose unknown. I wrote about this effect years ago, inspiring dozens of interesting tales in the comments, still worth scanning.
The worst nightmares of Born-Again Christians. Fascinating piece by Kelly Bulkeley using new data from his new Sleep and Dreams Database.
Doctors want school to start later for teens. Because sleep. This is finally going mainstream.
Can changing your gut’s bacterial composition affect your sleep? This researcher says it’s an often overlooked but easy fix once you start paying attention to your own microflora.
The future of dreams and film. A wonderful, literary piece written in the near future.
Stuff to Watch
Anamnesis – All episodes of the new lucid dreaming thriller are available to stream for free on YouTube.
New video interview with lucid dreaming researchers. Anne Hill of DreamTalk Radio interviewed myself, Kelly Bulkeley, Scott Sparrow and Robert Waggoner in this power-packed video call in which we discuss the psychology of lucid dreaming.
Participate in Dream Research!
A new study on sleep paralysis. This online survey is run by the University of Chester.
Galantamine and lucid dreaming. This is my study in collaboration with Scott Sparrow at the University of Texas Pan-American. We’re still accepting applicants for those of you who have used galantamine to induce lucid dreams, and we are giving away free ebooks for those who successfully/appropriately complete the application.
First Image: CC John Fowler 2015 Midnight in the Garden of Dreams