If you have used galantamine as a catalyst for lucid dreaming, we would appreciate it if you would participate in our online survey. We are interested in exploring the subjective differences between lucid dreams that follow the ingestion of galantamine, and those that do not.
To take the questionnaire, CLICK HERE.
The questionnaire takes about 30 minutes to complete.
Who is conducting this study?
I (Ryan Hurd, editor of Dream Studies Portal) have partnered with Dr. G. Scott Sparrow, Associate Professor of Counseling at the University of Texas-Pan America, to administer this study. We hope to present some initial results this summer at the annual conference for the International Association for the Study of Dreams in Virginia Beach, VA.
Help us out, and we’ll send you a free PDF of Scott Sparrow’s Lucid Dreaming: Dawning of the Clear Light, the first book on lucid dreaming published in North America as well as a free PDF of my Lucid Immersion Guidebook.
Here’s the link to the questionnaire again.
Please share via Facebook and Twitter too!