Here’s another opportunity to participate in dream research.
Carey Morewedge of Carnegie Mellon University and Michael Norton of Harvard are conducting a short survey on dreams and memory. I took it in less than 10 minutes. The results will be reported in the New York Times, thanks to dream-enthusiast and journalist John Tierney.
Click here to take the survey.
By the way, these are the same researchers who recently released a study about how dreamers are more likely to make meaning from a dream if it is a message they want to hear.
I covered that piece recently, highlighting the skepticism of dream interpretation in modern culture. Skepticism is good, but understanding the cultural context of dream interpretation makes for better informed skepticism. So let’s help these researchers take the temperature of modern dream interpretation as it is practiced in everyday situations.
Dear Ryan,
Would you be interested in participating in a research project sponsored by the School of Metaphysics? We are asking people to incubate dreams for answers and insights into today’s economic challenges. We’d also like to invite any of your readers to participate! Registration is today for the project which begins April 24th. Thanks!
You can read more here:
Want to help fix the economy without getting out of bed?
The College of Metaphysics (Windyville, MO) is conducting a GLOBAL LUCID DREAMING EXPERIMENT. Participants will incubate dreams, asking for insight to help solve the global economic ???crisis??? now taking place. This is a consecutive,three-day experiment beginning Friday, April 24, 2009. We invite your participation.
For more details visit:
To register to participate:
You will receive instructions around April 15 on when and how to proceed. Your participation will contribute to the growing knowledge of humanity???s consciousness and quite possibly make a significant difference in the way we understand the present economic changes.
Please feel free to share this request to anyone you feel will be interested and want to participate. We are expecting dreamers all over the world to respond.
For further information, please contact:
Dr. Barbara Condron, Project Director
College of Metaphysics
thanks Laurel! sounds fascinating.