Today is World Sleep Day!
That means today is perhaps the one day this year you can safely brag about how much sleep you’re getting without being judged as a sleep slut.
So sleep in! Take a nap! Sleep around without impunity and tell everyone about it.
If you want to see an interactive presentation I made for TEDMED on this topic … here’s the link.
The title is “10 problems with the Sleep Problem,” a critical review of why the problem of sleeplessness is society is such a hot mess.
(The presentation is a Prezi. Once you click over, I recommend going to fullscreen, then click it allow fullscreen with keyboard controls, then use arrow keys to move along from slide to slide.)
I hope everyone enjoyed World Sleep Day! I must say, the presentation is dead-on. I really enjoyed it as it gets down to the nitty gritty of things. While there may be a science to sleep, it is different for everyone and there are so many different factors that affect the way we sleep.