If you live in the Pacific Northwest, check out the annual Science and Nonduality Conference in San Rafael, CA on October 19-23.
This is a special year, as several founding lucid dream researchers—including Stephen LaBerge—are kicking off the event with a one day pre-conference workshop “Lucid dreaming, Consciousness and Non-duality.” This workshop is really a once-in-a-lifetime reunion: it’s well worth the road trip.
Other notable lucid pioneers in attendance include:
- Gregory Scott Sparrow, author of the 1976 book Lucid dreaming: Dawning of the clear light and founder of Dream Star Institute
- Jayne Gackenbach, technology psychologist and co-author with Stephen LaBerge of the foundational academic text on lucidity, Conscious mind, sleeping brain.
- Fariba Bogzaran, co-author of Extraordinary Dreams and how to work with them and founder of the Dream Studies program at John F. Kennedy University.
- Patricia Garfield, author of the 1974 lucid dreaming classic Creative dreaming and co-founder of the International Association of the Study of Dreams.

That’s just the half the line up! All the workshop participants are discussing the cutting edge of spirituality and lucidity: how the remarkable (and learnable) lucid dream state is a gateway to mystical experiences that have been the subject of poetry and sacred literature for eons.
Zooming out, this pre-conference workshop is a warm up the 2011 Science and NonDuality Conference (SAND), a dynamic meeting grounds for scientists, spiritual teachers and philosophers to share the fruits of 21st century wisdom. The conference runs from October 20-24, 2011.
Keynotes for SAND include A. H. Almaas, Ken Wilber, Dean Radin, Michael Harner and Fred Allan Wolf.
When: October 19, 9am-6pm
Cost for the workshop: Full-day $130 or half day $65. (SAND conference attendance is separate)
Location: Embassy Suites Hotel – 101 McInnis Parkway, San Rafael, CA 94903
Here’s more information about the SANDS lucid dreaming workshop.