The historic fears of succubi and incubi must be reconsidered in light of contemporary psychology. As the medical community disregarded the narratives of sleep paralysis until David Hufford’s ground-breaking work in the 1970s, we would be making the same mistake if we chalk up the old tales of sexual demons to “merely legend.”
Modern dreamers still have sexual experiences in sleep paralysis, and ghost rape is still whispered about in anonymous and private settings. I have already discussed how alien encounters are one popular interpretation of the sensations of being forcibly touched by an entity (seen and unseen) while paralyzed in bed. Other cultural interpretations today include demons of the devil (evangelical Christianity) and a visit by the spirit form of a dark magician (indigenous shamanism).
Jungian psychologists may interpret spectral rape as a “vampire complex,” representing an imbalanced relationship with the parent of the opposite sex, or perhaps hinting at memories of incest. Dreamers with a history of sexual abuse may be more likely to experience flashbacks during sleep paralysis/hypnagogic hallucinations (SP/HH). Similarly, survivors of trauma also may incorporate flashbacks into HH.
However it is viewed, I think it is important to not “interpret away” the actual encounter. These things happen, and they are a natural, although disturbing, part of human experience.
We’re Wired for Sexual Dreams
The physiology of the dream state may be one reason why sexual content is so often reported. In the REM state, our muscles are in paralysis but the body is in a state of excitement. Even though sleep paralysis doesn’t feel like a dream, it has been shown in the lab that the experience occurs during REM intrusion after awakening or just after falling asleep. In REM sleep, whenever it occurs, men typically get erections, and women’s genitalia become engorged. Orgasms have been documented countless times in dream labs, and in sexual lucid dreams it is possible to experience orgasm too. Dreaming sleep is simply a sexy place to be.
Even when we are scared, and sometimes because we are scared, sexual excitement does not diminish. Sexuality and terror are deeply intertwined, neurologically speaking. So it’s not that outlandish to believe the medieval court documents in which men tell of being forced to have sex with mysterious she-demons and witches, even though this testimony was used in service of misogyny and the destruction of indigenous religious practices.
Positive Sexual Encounters in SP/HH
However, some sexual SP/HH encounters are not necessarily unpleasant. For dreamers who do not have a traumatized past, sexual play during hypnagogic hallucinations can be healthy and exciting. This was brought to my attention when one reader from my website admitted that he cherishes the ephemeral spirits who approach him at night. He reports excitement, pleasure, and mental orgasms during his SP-induced hallucinations. He does not seek these escapades but does not seem to mind too much, even though he admits it somewhat weird that the “spirit” sometimes is not altogether human.
In the book Dark Intrusions, Louis Proud also has collected reports of spectral sex that are erotic, albeit deeply weird. As with lucid dreaming, sensuality can be safely explored in this private mental arena.
I don’t treat these experiences like a “fantasy world,” however. There are always psychological repercussions to any act, thought, or way of being. Also, as with lucid dreaming and waking life, these encounters can be more pleasurable if they are not goal-oriented, but rather based on intimacy and consensual action. If the encounter gets too weird, or compromises your safe boundaries, you can always wake up from sleep paralysis by trying to move your finger or scrunching up your face like you taste something sour–this breaks the REM paralysis.
Spiritual Bypass and Chi Sucking Vampires

As with all vision-states, one can become “addicted” to the inner adventure at the expense of healthy waking life. Psychologists call the unhealthy drive for ecstatic states “spiritual bypass,” and this concept may be at the root of the historically noted danger of falling in love with the spirits and nymphs of the inner world. After all, what ordinary and flawed human partner can compete with an alluring fantasy lover who comes only at night?
Sexual demons can reveal patterns in our romantic life, especially concerning how we give of ourselves. Repeated encounters with “sexual vampires” who seem to suck up inner resources or willpower may be reflective of an unhealthy sexual pattern in waking life. This encounter illustrates a “leak” of life force that may be unsustainable.
Not being able to stop the sexual advances of a night demon may be indicative of difficulties in drawing firm boundaries or deciding who is allowed to “enter your sphere.” Of course, these visions of energy imbalance (of chi-sucking and demon rape) can work for any gender, depending on character and personal history.
In spite of these dangers, rest assured that in the 21st century no one will condemn you in a court of law for having intercourse with a night elf or a water pixie.
Free eBook: The Sleep Paralysis Report
If you’re interested in learning how to prevent sleep paralysis and identify your own personal triggers to this state of consciousness, I invite you to download my free eBook The Sleep Paralysis Report below.
I’m also still collecting accounts of sexual encounters during SP/HH for my ongoing research (positive, negative and the deeply weird). Contact me using the form on my contact page. As always, I promise anonymity if you choose to share your experiences with me.
Hi Ryan, I couldn’t stop reading the comments. I have had episodes of sleep paralysis before. However, many times while I’m sleeping I have dreams of having intercourse with strangers “celebrities” even though I know is not. I know is something negative. I am happily married, don’t give me wrong however I do seem to enjoy it. Some dreams I have are scary and I can’t move. The dark figure seem to follow me, even though I had been awake I feel its presence and is very uncomfortable. Last night, I had a dream of having sex with a demon. I know it wasn’t the devil itself because it talked to me. Is like we knew each other. At the beginning I felt weird but then I started to enjoy it. We talked for a long time and he would leave and then come back. It felt like we liked each other is this is crazy! Is like I was having a real relationship with a demon! I am a christian and I’m very tormented right now … I can’t explain it.
Hi Joyce, I read this article and I’m convinced it’s half true… Demons are real.. Scientists cannot accept the notion of a spiritual realm because it cannot be weighed or measure or even grasped. Funny the Physicists would accept the notion of other dimensions… You must resist these dreams at all costs. Sex is a covenant, it seals the deal between bride and bridegroom when they consummate a marriage. When you have sex with a demon, you covenant yourself in the spiritual realm.
I am sorry but what u are saying is …Well…Silly.
Sex is sex.It’s amazing to have it with the one you love without waiting for marriage. If u wanna wait until marriage that’s ur call. Doesn’t mean it’s the “Right way”. What if sex between u and ur husband sucks? Then everything will collapse .Not to mention emotionally. If u don’t have chemistry sexually, then nothing will work.
Other than that..I had sexual dreams with male demons or ghosts and it was pretty exciting lol. I like this Article 🙂 But I don’t think it’s “Demons” trying to have sex with u. The Mind is a powerful thing and can do anything.And can See anything. It’s just dreaming.
hey ciao Ryan.. im Maria.. and im 23… and im italian… i was looking an answer about my situation… idk why.. but while i sleep sometime i feel a dark spirit around me trying to have sex with me… i been feeling this from some years ago.. before i didnt care so much.. and i was enjoying it.. but now that i am a Christian im starting to understand that is not good.. and probably is a demon doing that to me… today while i was taking a nap it happened again.. but i refuse him.. but he was keeping coming.. and trying to still have sex… and it was like a black shadow.. or like a smoke trying to touch me there.. it no have a form.. or face.. its just something that u feel.. and is there…. now im getting worry… :/ i really dont know what is that. and i no want that!!! :/
Omg I had the same dream too it was like he was forcing himself to me and I was like enjoying it when I woke up i felt horrible I felt like was raped by a black shadow or something.
I guess SP is happening to me for a long time.. but this is the first time i notice that its not normal. since i was young, im always dreaming that theres a man who chasing after me and when he chase me he had sex with me. But i dont know who he is or even saw him.. it always happening again and again.. and when me and my bf do this im still asking myself why i didnt bleed or even feel that its my first time.. even i know to myself that it was my first, now my question to myself has been answered after i red this.. how can this be stop i want to protect my daughter from SP
well, it’s not talked about a lot but it is in fact “normal.” The best advice I can give is to look at the general tactics for lessening SP symptoms. They may help with your triggers but there’s no real “cure.”
hey guys!im karen……17 yr old…….i feel the same too! i get these weird deams….and i wake up at night…and everytime that happens…..i feel lyk im being watched …even when im alone!!..all i do then is pray to mother marry…to protect me:-) and to stay by my side……it helps!!a lot!! the first time i experienced sleep paralysis thingy…i don exactly rmbr what was goin was like someone or something was trying to take over me!cud hear a voice.very harsh and full of anger.and then a calm voice …..the only thing i rmbr repeating was..jesus help me!! i bliv that calm voice was jesus christ’s voice 🙂
next time ul experience anything unusual try taking gods name 🙂 believe in lord……
karen, I completely understand..!
My first dream was not sexual,, just horrific- sleep paralysis in my room and a daark shadow moving..
I was never religious, but when I was being “attacked” I, for soem reason started repeating
god will help me” in spanish over ad voer adn voer, until I was released
A year later or so, It was sexual with some non-human form,.
And now it has happened so frequently (once or twice a week that I’m so scared to sleep anymore becuase I alwasy feel it coming, Im getting excited in a dream, but then I realize that “it’s” coming again and start to force escape.. 🙁
I have many lucid dreams , where I can’t move but now I can’t move and I feel like a demon or ghost is having sex with me I can’t move or speak I feel everything but see nothing when I pray ur goes away but one day I just let it go through
Hi Ryan, I have been having sex in my sleep for some time now. My husband wakes me up each time and I never seem to remember anything! I will be sleeping. Is it possible that something is having sex with me during my sleep? Am terrified at the thought…
I have demonic dreams about 1-3 times/month. Last night, I couldn’t see the force, but felt it was malicious. Somehow, at first, I was scared and then I found it pleasurable. It was performing oral sex on me and I actually orgasmed. It was like it could read my mind.
Other times, there is no sex and it’s just a force that is holding me down. When I try to call out for help, my voice is barely above a whisper. It’s very disturbing.
I first encounterd SP a couple of years ago, and found it very scary! i had a friend who had something very similar happen to him so i did some research. The first encounter was much like i had read about, a dark force pressing on my chest while i could even move a finger or scream or anything! but as the years have progressesd, they seem to be getting weirder and darker! i have had time when i wake to be in the middle of the room levitating with strange enterties in the room, these have started to have sex with me, i cant see them, but feel them, and there very demanding, sometimes occuring 3 times a night, the same sexual feelings (i can feel every movement)… i really dont know what to do about this, its becoming more and more regular and more sexual then before! i am going to try affirmations before going to bed to see if this helps, its not healthy to be exchanging that energy with something/someone/pressence whom is only there when your asleep…. Can you give me any other advice about how to prevent them from being so sexual? Thanks Ryan
Hi , I also have such dreams but the thing is that it is evil. God created man and woman to multiply but there was a time when angels started being enticed by the beauty of some women. From that example we can tell that demons still get enticed with beauty. Sometimes it runs in the family so make sure that you pray about it and also break all ties you have made within you previous relationships. You might have made a covenant with one of your ex bfs so that leaves a way for these demons to attack you! I hope this has been helpful
Hi im Deon’te. Im only 12 and im going through this stuff. Im really confused… Im a christian but this seems to happen very often. For about 5 years now! Idk whats going on… I’ve done some research but there always seems to be something negative, and something negative. The other night (April 12, 2013) I woke up during the encounter and i saw like a shadow. Then I closed my eyes (not asleep yet) and I was at my school. I saw a beautiful girl sitting there and I asked are you ok. She said, yes im okay. She got up and walked up to me. I stepped back, (resisting) I asked are you one of those mysterious succubus girls. She told me, Look, im only doing this for my health now come closer. I Ran away. I opened my eyes and the SP was still happening. I prayed. I said, GOD, give me the strength. The SP was over I got up and the clock said 3:00 am and I didn’t sleep the rest of that day. I’m paranoid and idk what to do.
Hi Deon’te. welcome to my site. I’m sorry to hear about your concerns, but want to reassure you that these experiences are normal… they are surprisingly common actually, but people don’t often talk about it in public. I would encourage you to tell your folks or your school counselor about these experiences, as they can be treatable. Here’s an article I wrote about ways to prevent SP from happening more — many of the tips are about learning ways to relax before sleep, and also working with your own faith to draw strength.
Thats the worst abvice ever, hardly anyone understands this process and poor deonte would probably end up in an asylum pumped full of drugs at the word of his “folks” unless you just have really awesome parents. Best thing to do would be to meditate concentrate your power build a mental sword that you can draw in your sleep, most lucid dreamers have a certain item that they use to invoke the power of choice in their dreams. Meditate everyday unti it is powerful, on a sword or some weapon that cannot be stopped or rivaled and slay the spirits that bring you negativity.
hey Atlas, your lucid dreaming technique sounds interesting but it pales in comparison to reaching out to your community when suffering from something like this. We’ll never teach the world about these nightmares if we are afraid to talk about it for fear of labels. I suffered from that fear for too long myself.
Hi i am Natalie. I have at lucid dreaming and I hate it cause I mostly get them when I sleep on my back. Well yesterday for the first time I encountered a sexual thing with a demon non human. I tried to resist it almost felt like rape.. At first I was enjoying it till I saw his face and he was being agreeaive. I tried to scream for help and I couldn’t my “screaming” turned into whispers it was really scary and couldn’t sleep at all that nite. Do u think it’s a dream or really is it a demon on me? Please help Ryan..
In my childhood I still remember dreaming while I went to sleep some of those strange man picking me up and touching me and making noise and I felt electricuted which is stranger fear but I didn’t know at all.What were they doing to me. One made noise while he was bouncing me like a ball. When I was 10 years old I got used but after I felt was too big for it as it didn’t occur at all. Does anyone know this dream was supposed to tell me.
hello Ryan.. after reading your helpful article, I thought that it would be nice if I share with you my first experience concerning SP. It happened last night (5th May 2013). I went to bed at 2am. I don’t know the exact time did it occurred but this is what I remember : I felt a hand is touching my right butt. At this moment, I knew something’s wrong because I was sleeping alone on my bed. Ever so slowly, I shoved my right hand towards my butt to find out what was actually touching it. I felt it was a man’s hand as it is large & rough, then I started to feel sharp nails….. At this point, I know that this is the devil. Somehow I continue to let him touch because I enjoy it. Things couldn’t be better when I let myself in…… He started to take advantage on me. He made me paralyse. He was lying next to me and I saw a hideous face of a man with no skin. His face looks like it was burnt for a long time. I struggled to get away from him. I was truly, scared that time. So I prayed to Jesus and Mother Mary until it went away.
Just for your information Ryan, I always have SP when I am asleep . It has occurred to me eversince I was 12yrs old. Well, it never stops. I am 19 now. I am a devoted Roman Catholic.
thank you for the post!
I ahd the same dream aa couple of days ago..
Usually i have these wiht a non-human form,, shadows, etc..
But this one was exactly as you mention, I saw a skinless face as if burnt off, and floating hands to go with it, but no other part of the body…
he was doing some kind of screaming gesture?
I was so scared! This has been one of the worst oens especially since I sleep alone now.. Im wondering if aanyone has filmed themselves???
I first experenced sleep paralysis around 4 years ago, the first time was terrorfieing! But now im totally obsessed by it.. why does it only happen whilst lieing on your back?.. why cant i even scream? Every expreirience is different.. sometimes a little old woman standing by my head, trying to turn my head to see her is inpossible.. sometimes a face looking down on my like an invissible spirit lying ob top of me.. sometimes its across the other side of the room.. in the form of black smoke! All together the scariest thing ever but im so interested! I would love it to be something more than just a state of sleep! 😀 maybe a spirit looking out for me.. my gurdian angel? maybe ile beable to talk to them one day! Im not a weirdo.. just realy fassanated!
I’ve just had my first sleep paralysis experience. I actually wasn’t on my back, which was extremely strange. And I felt what I would assume to be a hand going up my thigh. Which stems from a history of abuse, I would also assume. And then the shadow/figure took advantage of me as I prayed for god to save me and screamed at it to stop. It was horrifying and I don’t think I’ll sleep for a few days. I’ve had night terrors for my whole life. But this is much different.
Ryan, I am a 52 year old woman and for as long as I can remember I have always had those type experiences where I felt the present of something holding me down to where I can’t wake up, along with the fact that I could hear foot steps coming my way from a distance and the move I try to wake up it would get louder and louder, or it would be something dark standing over me making me feel like it want to bring harm to me, I learned that when ever I yell out Jesus, Jesus, Jesus a release would come over me and I would wake up with a crazy feeling. However I notice working 11-7 at the nursing home sleep would come on me and when it did I would fall into a sleep mold but not into a deep one and when I do a sexual feeling would come over me as if something was touching me in a way of sperating my legs while I am sitting in the chair and a tingling feeling would come over me. This has happen more then once over a five year time working there. Now moving into my new place and into a new town I have been visited by some type of spirit that came to me in my sleep and we were having sex. I could feel all the acts of having sex and evening kissing, in fact the kissing was the biggest thing that I enjoyed the most, from what I seen of it there was a handsome figure of a man much small then me but I couldn’t see his face only the top of his head. During all of this I never fault it in a way by making it stop, it presence felt good being with me it lasted for about 10 minutes. I knew by being a Christian that this is wrong. I think I need some spiritual help but is to scare to go to the church for help. I enjoyed it so much that I have even being waiting for it to appear again. It was so wonderful to come across you website and learn that there are so many other people that have experienced the same thing or close to what I am going through, I was feeling that I was going crazy for a minute there. It is so good to read some many other people stories and know that I am not alone. Please give me a suggestion or comment on my situation.
I’ve been having sleep paralysis for a while now. It has a lot to do with PTSD, i was emotionally and physically abused for years and a lot of it had to deal with demonizing my entire sense of sexuality. At first it started out as horrible things, skeletons with glowing eyes, weird creepy midgets grinning at me maliciously, intruders in my apartment and even stranger waking nightmares. It happened on nights i felt the most powerless about my sense of intimacy.
I’ve recently come to a greater acceptance of myself and i’m happy to see how these dreams have changed. They’re no longer night terrors anymore, they’re happy for the most part. I woke up hugging a dog, then realizing i didn’t own a dog pushed it away and it nipped me a bit before disappearing. I had my pet chinchilla visit me from the afterlife. I woke up clutching a beautiful naked brunette, kissing her neck. I saw the dimly lit shape of lesbians having sex on my table. I no longer try to escape these visions, more just sit back and enjoy them. They’re just projections of myself, and i’m glad to see my unconscious finally accepts me back.
Ryan, I am a 52 year old woman and for as long as I can remember I have always had those type experiences where I felt the present of something holding me down to where I can’t wake up, along with the fact that I could hear foot steps coming my way from a distance and the move I try to wake up it would get louder and louder, or it would be something dark standing over me making me feel like it want to bring harm to me, I learned that when ever I yell out Jesus, Jesus, Jesus a release would come over me and I would wake up with a crazy feeling. However I notice working 11-7 at the nursing home sleep would come on me and when it did I would fall into a sleep mold but not into a deep one and when I do a sexual feeling would come over me as if something was touching me in a way of sperating my legs while I am sitting in the chair and a tingling feeling would come over me. This has happen more then once over a five year time working there. Now moving into my new place and into a new town I have been visited by some type of spirit that came to me in my sleep and we were having sex. I could feel all the acts of having sex and evening kissing, in fact the kissing was the biggest thing that I enjoyed the most, from what I seen of it there was a handsome figure of a man much small then me but I couldn’t see his face only the top of his head. During all of this I never fault it in a way by making it stop, it presence felt good being with me it lasted for about 10 minutes. I knew by being a Christian that this is wrong. I think I need some spiritual help but is to scare to go to the church for help. I enjoyed it so much that I have even being waiting for it to appear again. It was so wonderful to come across you website and learn that there are so many other people that have experienced the same thing or close to what I am going through, I was feeling that I was going crazy for a minute there. It is so good to read some many other people stories and know that I am not alone. Please give me a suggestion or comment on my situation.
Hi admin,am 26 years old,i had a terrible dream last night.i dream about having sex with a ghost.that ghost threten to kill me if i does not obey her command.i just obey her command for the sake of my life.during the intercourse she just told me to withdraw my pennis as i wil impregnent her.i do so,n i wake up in the middle of night i was scared.n her virgina was unique.i dont no wat to do,please help me.i do no da voice but the person was unique.
Hello Ryan
Thank you so much for posting this article / study! I have been having sexual sleep paralysis experiences for almost two years now. I am female, 22 and have no trauma. It was very sudden when they stared and extremely bizarre. They have confused me because, even though I am a Catholic, I am also a believer in logic and the power of the mind. I find the hallucinogenic experience of “sexuality during SP/ ghost rape” both enthralling and unnerving in equal measure.
i am fascinated by how it dramatically differs all normal rules of my dreams, (personal experiences crafted throughout my life via personal laws and understanding of my unconscious mind.) There is one PARTICULAR question i would like to pose to you in relation to the experience. In all my NORMAL dreams i can identify individuals, scrutinise characteristics and recognise they are creations of my own imagination when i reflect on my dreams after waking up.
But, during sexual encounters of SP this is not possible. Even when I try to focus or create an identity for the individual during SP they remain abstract. They NEVER have faces. Even when I try in my sleepy state to give them faces, they will remain sinister, (even if I happen to be… um…. ‘enjoying’ myself.) Do you know or understand why this happens? Why in normal dreams can I choreograph my imagination to give definitive identities, but during SP/REM this is this not possible? I would be fascinated to know the answer if you have any explanation! Again, fantastic article! Explained so much! Thank you!
Also I WOULD LIKE TO ADD something that I found rather brilliant after I woke up from my last Lucid SP. It was dramatic and graphic and again arousing and unnerving. During, I felt sure something or someone had wrapped their hands around my feet and was trying to drag me down. When I woke I tried to understand that sensation, before realising that my duvet was half unbuttoned and twisted tightly wrapped around my (slightly sweaty) feet . I couldn’t help but laugh to myself when I realised that! The only ghost in my room was my duvet! Perhaps it was trying to possess me with the on-so-sinter power of cosiness! Bad duvet! 😀
I see most women on here not men, but here is my story with a succubus.
i was sleeping at one of my ex’s house who is amazingly beautiful, and well i was laying down faced up with her right arm over my chest. so for some reason i woke up, it was the first time i experienced sleep paralyzes, i couldnt move but i was awake, but what scared me the most is that i could see this arm over my chest but the arm looked like a porcupine, it scared me so much. and i never been scared for my life. was not sure what to do, i was scared to turn my head to left because i thought i would see some horrible creature starring at me. but at the same time knew if i forced my head to turn i would wake up from this cause i would see my ex’s face which would make me snap out of this dream, bring me back to reality. so being so soooo scared, i did just that and in that secound all of it went away.this is my story of a “succubus”.
previous to this, i saw shadows in the dark from the corner of my eye, but thought nothing of it, wasnt sure what to make of it.
Hello, I can’t believe that this crap happens to other people. One part of me feels relieved that I’m not alone.
I have had bouts of SP since a young child and I had heard my dad and grandma (mom’s side) make comments about it at times.
For the first ten years or so, they were just annoying instances of being aware, yet unable to act.
One I hit 20ish, I started to have PS mixed with nightmares–a dark visitor who would hover or stand near me–I always sleep on my stomach or my side and the coward always approaches me from behind. He’ll lean down close to my ear and growl or make threats or speak nonsense. Sometimes it’s as if I go unnoticed and am easedropping on a conversation until he becomes aware of my presence and becomes enraged and starts scaring me. Within the last year, I have been able to manipulate my situation during SP—instead of trying like mad to awaken myself (which is hard as hell and unfortunately unsuccessfull 95% of the time) I’ll deepen into the dream and run from him and hide. Sometimes I’ll change into a bird (crazy, i know…) and fly away fast–fast enough to where he can’t keep up.
I’m a 6’5″, 250 lb. man who grew up on a farm and is now in the military.
Rarely do I get scared, but I gotta admit that these SP/demon/succubus episodes are unbearable. I’ve awoken with tears in my eyes before.
During an episode, I’ll lie there in bed and look at my wife, who is oblivious, and mentally plead with her to rouse me, or for the phone to ring, anything!!!! in order to bring me out.
I’ve had him/them talking and growling right next to my ear, or behind my neck and the hairs on the back of my neck will stand up.
I’ll think of Jesus, him on the cross, and I’ll pray and beg for his guidance and protection–this tactic stems the mental assualt.
I’ll go a few months or even a year or two without remembering one, then they come back.
Last night was the worse one to date and was what ultimately led me to conduct research and is how I landed here…
Last night’s ps episode:
He began to torment me and I became enraged and instead of running or flying away, I turned and started to assualt him. Once i faced him, he was a dark humanoid/aparation. I went for his throat and arms to shake and throttle him. He and I had a dialogue–me being the attacker, beckoning him to try me, and he was mocking, laughing me in my attempt. He was a wisp when I tried to inflict damage on him, but he could harm me. I never felt pain when he attacked, but he choked me–so much to where I became worried. My breathing didn’t stop 100%, but it was significant. He then tried pulling me off the bed, to which I then clung to (this was all in the dream and not a physical jerk) He pulled my upper body off the bed and tried to drag me head first under the bed, i clung to the mattress and my head, shoulders, and upper torso were under the bed but my arms and legs were clutched onto the bed. He became frustrated and began to pull harder which made the bed (again, not in reality, but in dream) drag and slam into wall. He then came out and got behind me and flipped me over onto my back and began to rape me. I am 100% heterosexual and having a thrusting man inbetween my legs was odd to say the least. It didn’t hurt but the powerlessness and demoralization was a lot to deal with.
I hope he doesn’t show again tonight, or any other night for that matter.
I have two small children and I am hoping this isn’t a hereditary trait.
I don’t tell me wife this so as to not make her scared that I’m losing my grip.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated and thanks for the resource.
Hi ,I’m 20 years old,
NOTE: My English sucks because I’m not an American nor British.
Anyways, I’m kinda relieved that I wasn’t the only one with these problems. Let me share you some of my experiences, I still remember my very first sleep paralyze from when I was a little boy 12-13.I dream that I was in my room floating in air (I somehow felt power) but then,I felt like ”something” in my head was blocking these feelings like I wasn’t suppose to feel this way. After that I felt an intense pain in my head. I tried to wake up but I couldn’t. Moments later I woke up I felt fear and just wished I don’t want to sleep ever again. There’s nothing I could do about it.I tried different methods using prayers , sleeping on stomach sideways, etc. but nothing really helps.
After my first SP, every time In my sleep when I’m thinking or feel about this fear and power I began to have these sleep paralyze attacks.
During the years till now I still got it but of different variety. It happens now even when I’m not thinking about it.
I was 15-16 It was during the noon, I felt so sleepy and tired. So I went to bed. When I fell asleep I suddenly felt a small creature like being was crawling on my body and it was growling in my ears.Also I could even feel the sharp claws of this creature on my skin. And after I woke up I could still feel it.
Another of my experiences:
Not sure what Age I was maybe somewhere around the age of 14-17
In this SP A girl was lying and cuddling me and I could feel her naked body against me. I tried to resist and then she spoke, with a sweet voice she said ”no please stay with me.”(translated from my country language.)I still tried to resist because I was scared ,after some moments later I woke up.
There are more others.
Most of the time in my ”SP experience” I feel I got tickled by something.
somewhere in 2011-2012 I found out that during SP not to take a deep breath but take small inhale like imagine you got scared,shocked by someone It should break your SP instance but if not, you have to do it in sequence.) This really helps!
Also somehow I can move my feet during SP. When I keep moving it ,it will also break my SP.
My experience in 2013-2014
Years have passed and still got it. But this time I didn’t tried to wake up.
I was grabbed by a shadow 4 armed like creature, It was holding my arms + it was tickling me and sucking/licking my body, it looks like it was draining my energy (not sure but this was how it felt) Then I try to think to have a barrier around me to feel save and try to feel more powerful and in control than the creature instead of feeling fear. After that I couldn’t feel It tickling me.I also imagine that I can move my arms in my ”head” and try to push/holdback his face preventing of its sucking me. It really works but It was still trying to move his head to my body like he tries to resist my pushing. Moments later I woke up like its was giving up.
In this SP there were 2 entities a shadow figure woman and a small creature. the small creature was crawling on my body. Here too I tried to ”imagine” moving my own hand method to hold the little creature. I tried to cuddle this creature hard as I could and think to feel more powerful. I tried to choke it. Then I heard the woman voice saying ”oh no, no”(translated from my country language.) Then I suddenly woke up.
many Months later.
31-1-2014 today
I dreamed that I was with a man. The man said that he wants to kill everyone. He was very violent.He talked to me like I was his partner or a trusted friend. I tried to talk him out not to do it. but he didn’t listen. Then we came to a house we looked inside the window where we saw an old man and he was ready to aim at the old man with his gun. I decided to took his gun and said that he cannot kill the old man and that if he wants to kill someone he should kill me instead. Later I shot him in the head. Suddenly I was somewhere else I was sitting on the floor somehow I couldn’t stand up then I saw a beautiful girl walking to me and she was sitting on me. she wants me to look in her face she didn’t said anything. her eyes were red and then again. I got Sleep Paralyzes. But this time I didn’t know what to do I panicked and tried to wake up fast. later when I woke up I could still feel that something sat on my legs. Somehow I forgot what to do because I was so confused of that dream I just had. So I didn’t had the motivation to fight.
Don’t fear when you got attacked.I’ve learned that when it comes to protecting yourself, you should trust more in your self that you are strong. We humans got hidden powers after all.
I am 29 years old,man.I experienced many times,getting raped by someone(no face,no body only some black curly long thick hair i remember)Always I try to push her off,but my body is not moving.Also after i wake up, i see that ,i got orgasm.All it happens when i stay in a hose with lot of scary stories.I check with my flat mates, but no one felt same.and i never had it again after i move from that house.