Do you want to re-enchant your life... while you sleep?

Welcome to Dream Studies. I'm Ryan Hurd. This is a place for waking up your dreaming mind... for more rest, creativity, and belonging

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    Sleep Paralysis and the Weird side of Spiritual Experience

    Astral projection and lucid dreaming are having a moment!  Thanks to cult classic films like Inception and Waking Life, and to popular educators such as Jade Shaw (check out her documentary Insight Out if you haven’t yet), we have entered into the Age of Aquarius with our eyes wide open to the multidimensional realms beyond. Yet […]

    What makes a big dream BIG?

    All cultures that pay attention to dreams make a cut between what’s a Big dream and what’s an ordinary dream. The cut is not always the same. Different cultures play with different ideas and elevate them or stomp them out, depending on the culture and their particular stressors. But here in the west, Carl Jung […]

    Tucker Carlson says he was attacked by a demon—and as a dream researcher I believe him

    Journalist and TV personality Tucker Carlson recently shared that he was attacked by an unseen force while sleeping in his bed. I encourage you watch the video clip, because I think it convincingly shows that Carlson truly believes he had this experience. He says he still does not understand to this day what happened to […]

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