I’ve been under a rock for the last 8 weeks — a baby rock, that is. My son Thomas Sebastian was born in early December and let me tell you what, he is already 15 lbs of cheeks and smiles. We are feeling really blessed in the Hurd domicile.
Because of this change in our family life, I’ve been rocking a new lucid dreaming induction technique called BILD. That’s Baby Induced Lucid Dreaming (apologies to Stephen Laberge).
Here’s how it works: sleep in the same room with a newborn for weeks on end. Proceed to not get more than 3 hours of sleep at a stretch. Accumulate massive REM sleep debt. Add coffee, parental hyper-vigilance/panic, and voila! You will soon be having lucid dreams almost overnight. And you get some free sleep paralysis nightmares thrown into the mix too.
Seriously, inducing lucid dreaming is hard for a lot of people but it doesn’t have to be. You really don’t need to torture yourself with sleep deprivation. You don’t need high tech gadgets (even though they can be fun). Actually, attending to a few key practices and considerations can create the fertile ground for lucidity to blossom in your dreams.
Free Webinar: Preparing for Insightful Lucid Dreams
I’ll be talking about all this next Wednesday night for a free webinar! The talk is called Preparing the Way for Impactful Lucid Dreams. I’m going to cover the basics for preparing for a successful lucid dreaming life practice. These basics are the prerequisites for going lucid that people usually forget about before diving headlong into lucid induction practices (and burning out soon after).
Here’s the internet tube to register.
At the end of the talk, I’ll be discussing my next Lucid Ignition online course. If you have been waiting for this course (I haven’t run it since April 2016), I recommend coming to the free webinar as I’ll be handing out a coupon code for a sizable discount on the full course.
Timing: The free webinar at 5pm Pacific/8pm Eastern/So sorry London you will be in bed — but there will be replay available for everyone who registers.
My webinar service only gives me room for 100 guests, so I recommend securing your seat now.
Hope to see you on the webinar!
RadOwl says
Hey bro, good to see you back in circulation. I posted your webinar offer to Reddit Dreams. http://dreamstudies.org/2017/02/10/free-webinar-on-how-to-preparing-for-impactful-lucid-dreams/
Ryan Hurd says
hey RadOwl thanks for the boost! keep up the good work yourself.
charles rae says
Now that is one mighty proud father! great photo.
Ryan Hurd says
Thanks Charles! That is a proud chin