The historic fears of succubi and incubi must be reconsidered in light of contemporary psychology. As the medical community disregarded the narratives of sleep paralysis until David Hufford’s ground-breaking work in the 1970s, we would be making the same mistake if we chalk up the old tales of sexual demons to “merely legend.”
Modern dreamers still have sexual experiences in sleep paralysis, and ghost rape is still whispered about in anonymous and private settings. I have already discussed how alien encounters are one popular interpretation of the sensations of being forcibly touched by an entity (seen and unseen) while paralyzed in bed. Other cultural interpretations today include demons of the devil (evangelical Christianity) and a visit by the spirit form of a dark magician (indigenous shamanism).
Jungian psychologists may interpret spectral rape as a “vampire complex,” representing an imbalanced relationship with the parent of the opposite sex, or perhaps hinting at memories of incest. Dreamers with a history of sexual abuse may be more likely to experience flashbacks during sleep paralysis/hypnagogic hallucinations (SP/HH). Similarly, survivors of trauma also may incorporate flashbacks into HH.
However it is viewed, I think it is important to not “interpret away” the actual encounter. These things happen, and they are a natural, although disturbing, part of human experience.
We’re Wired for Sexual Dreams
The physiology of the dream state may be one reason why sexual content is so often reported. In the REM state, our muscles are in paralysis but the body is in a state of excitement. Even though sleep paralysis doesn’t feel like a dream, it has been shown in the lab that the experience occurs during REM intrusion after awakening or just after falling asleep. In REM sleep, whenever it occurs, men typically get erections, and women’s genitalia become engorged. Orgasms have been documented countless times in dream labs, and in sexual lucid dreams it is possible to experience orgasm too. Dreaming sleep is simply a sexy place to be.
Even when we are scared, and sometimes because we are scared, sexual excitement does not diminish. Sexuality and terror are deeply intertwined, neurologically speaking. So it’s not that outlandish to believe the medieval court documents in which men tell of being forced to have sex with mysterious she-demons and witches, even though this testimony was used in service of misogyny and the destruction of indigenous religious practices.
Positive Sexual Encounters in SP/HH
However, some sexual SP/HH encounters are not necessarily unpleasant. For dreamers who do not have a traumatized past, sexual play during hypnagogic hallucinations can be healthy and exciting. This was brought to my attention when one reader from my website admitted that he cherishes the ephemeral spirits who approach him at night. He reports excitement, pleasure, and mental orgasms during his SP-induced hallucinations. He does not seek these escapades but does not seem to mind too much, even though he admits it somewhat weird that the “spirit” sometimes is not altogether human.
In the book Dark Intrusions, Louis Proud also has collected reports of spectral sex that are erotic, albeit deeply weird. As with lucid dreaming, sensuality can be safely explored in this private mental arena.
I don’t treat these experiences like a “fantasy world,” however. There are always psychological repercussions to any act, thought, or way of being. Also, as with lucid dreaming and waking life, these encounters can be more pleasurable if they are not goal-oriented, but rather based on intimacy and consensual action. If the encounter gets too weird, or compromises your safe boundaries, you can always wake up from sleep paralysis by trying to move your finger or scrunching up your face like you taste something sour–this breaks the REM paralysis.
Spiritual Bypass and Chi Sucking Vampires

As with all vision-states, one can become “addicted” to the inner adventure at the expense of healthy waking life. Psychologists call the unhealthy drive for ecstatic states “spiritual bypass,” and this concept may be at the root of the historically noted danger of falling in love with the spirits and nymphs of the inner world. After all, what ordinary and flawed human partner can compete with an alluring fantasy lover who comes only at night?
Sexual demons can reveal patterns in our romantic life, especially concerning how we give of ourselves. Repeated encounters with “sexual vampires” who seem to suck up inner resources or willpower may be reflective of an unhealthy sexual pattern in waking life. This encounter illustrates a “leak” of life force that may be unsustainable.
Not being able to stop the sexual advances of a night demon may be indicative of difficulties in drawing firm boundaries or deciding who is allowed to “enter your sphere.” Of course, these visions of energy imbalance (of chi-sucking and demon rape) can work for any gender, depending on character and personal history.
In spite of these dangers, rest assured that in the 21st century no one will condemn you in a court of law for having intercourse with a night elf or a water pixie.
Free eBook: The Sleep Paralysis Report
If you’re interested in learning how to prevent sleep paralysis and identify your own personal triggers to this state of consciousness, I invite you to download my free eBook The Sleep Paralysis Report below.
I’m also still collecting accounts of sexual encounters during SP/HH for my ongoing research (positive, negative and the deeply weird). Contact me using the form on my contact page. As always, I promise anonymity if you choose to share your experiences with me.
last night when I was asleep, I dreamt of my stepfather which was dead already while I was sleeping then I felt like I was being raped because I felt that excitement and when I woke up my private part started bleeding.. So I was just very curious why I felt that way because I have no past of being raped before.
Interesting, it sounds like your body/mind created a story around the beginning of the menstrual cycle. If I were to work this dream, I would ask myself, “How did my late stepfather relate to my menstrual cycle or my process of becoming a woman in general?” there may be some connections there.
I keep having these sexual dreams of my old step dad, my mother is not married to him anymore and I’m married with 2 children, I know when he was married to my mother he used to practice magic type things, black magic and “good magic” and I’m wondering why I keep having these dreams, In my dream I enjoy and even look forward to his ravishing me and once there was a dream he was sexually teasing me and I went into my mom and his old room in the dream and he was licking on my mother and I got jealous in the dream.. when I wake up I always feel dirty and I’ve tried praying so many times for God to help me and take away these dreams and I still get them every now and then..
The other night i had an experience. I have had some dreams in my life or attacks, but none like the other night. I was asleep and I woke up, at least i thought I was awake. I looked around the room and out of no where a dark figure came and laid on my chest. I couldn’t move. Now normally when I had these things happen I always rebuked it in Jesus’s Name. But I didn’t this one. It started to have sex with me. I couldn’t move I could just look to my left and right and not my front. I, however, strangely did not mind what he was doing. I remember seeing his dark hand, and trying to look at the bottom of him but couldn’t. He continued to have sex with me, all the while i knew what was going on and enjoyed it, strangely. After the sex was done, he left and i continued to dream more. Why was this one different from other “attacks” that i have had? Why did i enjoy it and not rebuke it this time?
hi Mae,
thanks for sharing! I’m not sure why this was different — my guess is that perhaps you’re becoming more comfortable with sleep paralysis and HH, and did not feel endangered. As you’ve read above, it’s quite normal to have erotic feelings during REM and sleep onset, so it seems your ability to relax and go with it resulted in a pleasurable and lucid SP dream episode.
I have had these sexual, paralysis experiences probably monthly, since I was a teen. I use to get scared and fight, now in my forties I actually relax and enjoy. There have been some experiences that hurt,grip and pull a little too hard, but they seem to not be so bad once I go with the flow and relax.
Recently I did have a “dream intruder” that was extremely rough and spoke to me that he would stop only when I experienced an orgasm. I had to relax and concentrate on the sexual experience that was painful, but finally did have an orgasm. My intruder quickly left and I had the feeling he did not find release, but just had wanted to humiliate me. Really bothered me for days after. Never had one that only wanted my release not his!
wow… that’s intense. thanks for your bravery in telling this story. I would not be too judgmental about this event — like all dreams, our minds are more free and offer up creativity and fresh horizons — as well as reminders of pain from the past. As such, these encounters may offer reflections on our current relationship to sex, something from the past that is asking for healing, or may even point towards new vistas in exploration with partners. Everyone has their own relationship to humiliation: for many, it is a turn-on and can be safely added into the lovelife, aka BDSM. This stuff is literally the cutting edge of consciousness research,and no one has the final word, so I’m just laying out the possibilities for safe self-exploration here.
Thanks Ryan..
Never really explored the possibilities of reflection these encounters could be pointing to. I had a good childhood and mostly positive sexual partners. I do sometimes question why I have had these intense sexual “dream intruders”, since I was a teen? (And the fact they have gotten more intense over the years)…
The last one I wrote of was different from the rest…This intruder spoke to me and that had never happened before….was actually kind of scary and intimidating.
When I was about 18 I woke to find something was making love to me. He was dark and although I could not move to see all the detail of his face I was awear that there was a lake of defenition. For one thing he had no outer ear. However, I had the feeling if I could see him he would have been perfect! He was black, not like normal human black but true black, just the colour and his muscles were very hard.
I felt two opposite things, 1.that I was floating just above my body and 2. that he was very heavy on me.
I had the feeling he had been looking for someone and was greatful to have found me. It was very enjoyable and after it felt as if I sank back into my body and he became lighter and slowly driffted away. All the time I felt as if he was greatful. The SP continued but I fell back to sleep. It was so real I checked the doors for intruders in the morning.
A few times since i have had mild SP but nothing like this. Usually I feel a presence (not nice) and hear whispering, like they are laughing at me. always out of site (I can see but not move). Anyone who has been through this will know how scary it is. However, it is normally when I am tired or my sleep patterns have been changed.
I’ve been in daily encounters with my incubus who wants me to call him master. I believe I manifested him from my “sex slave” fantasies. I always told myself that there is no way I could manifest this type of thing since I am in my 40’s and living a stable life, until I began feeling pulls on my legs and twitching feelings and pushes on my body and finally sex. The sex was often very stimulating to where I became obsessed thinking about it for days. But I also was sore a few times. He says it is “pain and pleasure”. I asked them “why” and he said “initiation”. Another time I asked, he said “training”.
I tried to quit a few times by doing a whole bunch of stuff. I have onions and garlic in every room of the house, I’ve used frank& myrrh, sage, protection oils and incense, banishing pentagram, filled myself with white light, I called to Jesus and God and the angels, etc.
I believe I would have to really not want it for a long period of time (at least 30 days) and I can’t seem to and always give in. Once when I vowed to stop, my incubus complained and another more aggressive incubus came in and was very aggressive with me sexually asking me who was in control and I would feel submissive and enjoy it and change my mind. They appear in my awake dreams as very intelligent and in control and attractive.
If anyone has similar experiences and wants to talk about it, please email me at Thank you.
hello. I have been having very similar experiences to the one you talk of. I am a little shy to share the details but its like I can’t really see or hear the being or beings that do this to me, but they are very forceful with me. It does feel good but i don’t want it. I do not hear them speak but it seems like they are doing this in a way like they’re teaching/training me to have sex on an astral plane. I am currently speaking with a woman that knows a lot about this, but its been hard to deal with. Anyway I’m glad you shared. And yes these beings are very manipulative. I train horses and work with their minds. It is the horse’s MIND that must be worked with. In the same way, these beings always wait for ME to make the decision to let them into my sexuality. But if I resist, they just become more forceful, or persist until I just give in. So you can see they want to get it so they have to do as little as possible.
I usually tend to have a lot of nightmares and usually they wake me up and scare me really bad. However, a few weeks ago I dreamt that i was awake but i could see myself at the same time?… however i was paralyzed and couldn’t move bc there was someone in the room with me…although i could not see them i wasn’t all that scared, i just wanted to see who was in the room watching me. also the other night i dreamt of a man…he was almost like half demon half man and even though i knew he was evil i was not afraid of him in the slightest. instead he grabbed me and hugged me and was kissing me and i felt in love with him. i have not been able to stop thinking about the dream and in fact i have a longing to see him again and i am just curious as to what this means
SP entities can take the shape of doppelganger figures, also known in medieval times as the “etheric double.” these days we know these figures archetypally as self-like entities, and when they are demonic, as shadow figures. These figures can also be tricksters, so be careful what you “freely give away” in the next set of dreams. On the other hand, there is a tremendous amount you can learn from these characters if you ask them how you can help them…
My boyfriend had a dream last night of a ‘ghost’ but it was me. He said other people in his home were scared, but he just went to his room and sat on his bed. He said I came in and he couldn’t really see me, but he felt me pushing him back on the bed and so on with the private part. I didn’t hurt him he said. We are currently apart, stuck a long distance from each other for another couple months. We have a great relationship still though, talk all the time, etc. I was wondering if it was maybe because of the distance, in his dream it made me a ghost (not able to physically see me, but knowing I’m there).
Had a sexual lucid dream last night. I amazingly became aware I was dreaming and became very exciting since I have known about lucid dreaming and never been as successfull before. I dont know how it happened, but I was surrounded by attractive girls that I know in real life! During the dream I felt as though right on the edge of conciousness. The girls starting playing with me, and I with them (feeling on eachother, touching, kissing) never went all the way but it was still fun especially the fact I had some control of my actions.
I am a gay man, and I recently had another one of these “rape” dreams. Sometimes I go with the flow and let the entity ravish me. Those are the times I enjoy this figure winding and grinding and thrusting on me while on my stomach. However, just as in real life, a person is just not in the mood. Lmao. Those are the bad experiences. Im fighting with this thing to get off me for what seems like an eternity. Weird huh?
I am so freaked out and need help. I had the worst nightmare last night that didn’t feel like a nightmare. I was in my bed as normal and then all of a sudden the room began to spin and I couldn’t move or scream. I tried so hard to scream for my husband who was sleeping in the other room. I couldn’t see the ghost properly but he was strong and VERY angry. The rape was vicious and I am so upset and scared. Good childhood and marriage by the way. Husband thinks it’s a nightmare but I know it is more than that. NO pleasure whatsoever. It was like Ted Bundy scary. PLEASE HELP!
I would tell you all abought what it was that happened to you and what to do about it, but I dont think it would get to you here at this web site. if you are interested in what I have to say abought it, I can send you a copy of what I wrote to linda, I dont think I could have said it better, the Lord Jesus helps me write and helps for those writings to turn out well. I just dont think it would last long if I posted it to this web site. if I listed my email, I think everyone could see it, not sure, so I will just say that maybe you could get it from lynda if you send her an email, and if you do, please tell her not to share my email adress with anyone, just the email. Jim
Hi Terrified, I’m sorry to hear about this. This experience is a kind of nightmare, but it feels very real. It’s not “just a dream” but a sleep issue that can include feelings strong enough to be labeled “death anxiety trauma.” And I don’ t have to tell you that it can shake you up. In the short term: move your bed to a new location if possible… even if just a inch. rearrange the room if possible – it will create a “fresh start.” Make clear to your husband that you’ll need reassurance for a while, especially feelings of safety and acceptance while going to bed. have him read this so he understands it wasn’t “just a dream.” Also, write the experience down and then burn it, or some other kind of ritual like this that destroys the dream. Long term: see if you can eliminate the stressors in your life identified in my sleep paralysis report (free download in the article I just linked to) that may have played a role in bringing this incident on. good luck… you’re not alone.
Hi, I have been having these weird sensual lucid dreams from the past 6 years or so. Half the time they do not feel like dreams actually. Most of the times i get these dreams in the afternoons than in the night. Once my body is relaxed and i am falling asleep there is a kind of current/buzzing feeling in my body and slowly it paralyses the body. I sense that something/someone is making love to me and I am responding to it. Sometimes I get real scared and try to snap out of it but then there are times I feel as though I enjoy it. The snapping out gets real tough as the more scared I get the more difficult it becomes for me to make my body respond to my brain signals. I try to scream but the scream never comes out as though the sound from my throat was cut off. I always get up scared, with a fast heart beat. And yes with very heavy eyes, as though its trying to pull me back into sleep. Sometimes this happens even with my husband sleeping soundly next to me. Kindly advise.
hi Su,
this has all the markings of sleep paralysis and hypnagogia. the buzzing is quite commonly felt. the sensual aspect sounds like it can be welcomed by you; I can’t advise you how to proceed, such a personal decision, but I suspect that energetically the sensuality can be healing as long as you stay relaxed and feel in control. just like sexuality in real life. If you ever feel you want to wake up, here’s a link to 9 ways to wake up from SP:
Hi, its not my first experience. I’m in the middle of my sleep and suddenly one part of my body will move (I thought it was just some kind of involuntary movement) but when i open my eyes i cant help not to scream coz i saw a human like creature (some kind of a shadow moving) beside me look like he is watching me but it fades as my consciousness completely back, it happen so fast. I know that im awake that time coz my father hear me scream. I was the only one sleeping in that room.
Heyy.. Im not sure of what i have.. I do become paralyzed and it feels like im awake because it takes place in my room.. It happens to me during the day usually in the summer when i tend to over sleep until like 11:30 am at most but i only oversleep because iwould stay up till like 2 or 3 in the morning when its day time i would feel a kind of buzzing and hear vibrations or screams and my head would hurt(this is is recently added symptom) at night i would feel something hot gripping me or being pressed on my body .. Today for the first time i felt my body actually sinking into the bed.. Idk how thats possible but i had my eyes closed cuz i was scared to see what was going on.. Another thing is that when it takes place during the day im usually really sleepy and cant keep my eys open but at night it happens when im trying to go to sleep usually after my sleep breaks or if i have to make trip to the bathroomI dont like it and i wanna stop it permanently.. Plsz advice me.. I dont want to be on medications
I thought I would share my dream experience here. I’ve had quite a few. But here’s the most memorable one.
One night I felt like I wasn’t safe in my bedroom. I asked my mother if it was ok to sleep next to her. I told her that i just had a disturbing feeling that something was to happen soon, almost like I was being watched.
As i slept next to her, I felt pressure on my chest. I then couldn’t breathe. I could feel that I was struggling by playing some sort of tug-o-war. Seconds later I was ripped out of my body. I entered somewhere of complete darkness. I could not see where I was but i could feel a presence around me. I knew if i didn’t get back into my body, whatever was there, would take over and I would be forever lost in that unknown world. I called out, almost yelped, and was back into my body. Right when i entered my body, I was able to breathe but i flung forward over the bed startling my mother. I immediatly began to weep because I was so frightened.
I’ve had experiences before. I get this feeling of just “knowing” and i am alarmed.Just like night of my birthday 9/10, during a dream i saw the numbers 9. 11 and 1 and thought they were lotto numbers. I see numbers in my dreams fairly often, its hard to decipher what it means. Usually the numbers on are doors, that i don’t open.
Last night I had a dream that i was in a room with other girls and a spirit/ghost attacked me and raped me and threatened that if i struggle that he would use a knife to do it instead. and in my dream somehow someone used a camera and the no one would believe me untill we showed them the photos and in one of the photos you can see his face and some of his body coming out of a wall…it was terrifying….anyone have any idea what this might mean? or why i had such a strange dream?
Might be useful to point out i have never been sexually abused or raped or anything near that)
hi, i had a dream that i was possessed by a demon and i raped my son. i took a stick and shoved it in my sons mouth ans started thrusting it. it felt like sexual intercourse because as he was dying in the dream it was like i was orgasming from it. and the thing is that i dont have a son, nor am i a mother. this dream was reallly weird, i could feel the darkness from being possessed plus the orgasms.
Your darkest fears and desires shall be played upon likea sweet fiddle.
I started liking it, controlling it, and exploring it. After the first few that scared the hell out of me and embarassed me. I read about it, to understand. I understand its normal and natural. But when do you ever get to play with your own mind and explore in dream land REM, and awake? It’s fascinating, sometimes extremely scary, but you learn to accept it, and tell whats real and not real. Once you master it you can wake yourself up, go back to it, and enjoy it. Or just lay back and let your amazing brain put on a show and feel the paralysis. Mine started with real life thugs threatening me, in real life that later played over to my nightmare. I woke paralysed them in my room saying, “that’s that b*tch”! It felt real I couldn’t move, I hyperventaled, tried to reach for my shot gun by my bed and realised how paralysed I was. I thought they stuck me with a needle. I continued through this horrific dream, hallucination thinking I was going to die a horrible gangbang death. When I woke all the way no one was there. I looked around the house and windows, looked at myself in the mirror, and said what the f*ck?! I had no clue, just assumed I had had the worst lucid yet paralysed dream ever. Recalling a real life scenario, I recently experienced in my waking hours. So it was still fresh in my memory. Later it happened through out the years many times I’d wake paralysed, screaming so I thought for my bf to wake me up. Really I was just mumbling and rocking around in the bed horrified lol. Later bf becomes a ex, I move to a new place. I start experiencing it again but allot. This time a whitish grey alien would take me sexually many times over and over from behind always. Sickest wet dream I ever had. I would feel the arousal, my vajayjay would clench up like a orgasm and quiver get so wet and I wake up after basically being raped in my sleep like wtf!? At this point I was versed in SP a bit now, it had been about 7 years since the thug SP experience. So I decided to learn to control it. By doing so I was able to experience things, see things, do things. I’d never experience awake. I started enjoying it wanting more. Not the sex or rape part, but the ability to create a dream or hallucination. It became like another portal of mysterious experiences, I could never share but with words. Lol I probably sound crazy telling this story. But its my brains work, and my willingness to want to go deeper. Lately I’ve experienced a dark Angel pulling me from my arms off my bed, I can feel his cold leather gloves tight around my wrists. I beg and plead please don’t take me! Put me back please! This one was more real than anybefore. After sometime of begging the dark Angel put my back safely in my bed. As if giving me another chance, I said “thank you Angel”. He left… That night was my first night taking temazepam. I woke Googled temazepam dreams and found Heath Leger the dark knight, and a tribute video on YouTube of his death. One of the tags was temazepam, which was in his system. F*cking crazy right! The next two were a bit twisted sexually, involving a knife, and other things. That was scary, I Googled that temazepam knife dream and found others that had experiences with it too. So crazy the sleep paralysis! I often wonder if there is more to it, a higher state of conciousness, or deeper meaning and connection to another dimension. Who knows… But that’s my story. Enjoy dream well! Sorry for my typos I’m on my cell.
Jennstar thanks for sharing your experience. I’ve come to see that what you’re experiencing is –although weird and decidedly creepy — an absolutely normal part of the human sexual experience. I appreciate your candor and believe me, so do the hundreds of people who read this post and do not comment.
I do think it’s an altered state of consciousness, and could be harnessed as a legitimate path to the divine. Have you ever read the visions of St Theresa or Catherine? ecstasy is the polite term of their visions of the dimensions beyond the ordinary!
I’m still collecting reports of these sort of events, so thanks again.
Hey, I got a good chuckle out of your response! *grinning Anyways no I haven’t heard of those visions. I will definetly check it out, do you have good sources? Thank you for your fast response. I wanted to recap on the other nights repeating SP episodes. I ate a extremely large amount of garlic in my split pea with garlic soup, and in my salad. I’m talking cloves +10 anyways I should have known not to eat garlic even a few hours before bed. Garlic induces sleep paralysis!!! Hey since you shared the vision info. You should Google garlic and why you shouldn’t eat it. Im Italian, love garlic. But have learned it actually is looked down upon by Taoist, Shaman, Buddhist, Native Americans, etc. It is a poison to the brain, and negates meditation and opens you up to things like sleep paralysis and incubus and sucubus. The steal our chi our life force everytime we are terrorized with SP they say. Anyways chat ya later Xx, Jennstar
Today for some reason I decided to research about sleep paralysis and could not believe so many other people have experienced it as well.
I have in some way or another have experienced SP my whole life. Mainly I feel like I cannot move and there is someone in the room who I cannot see. And in my mind I’m 100% it’s some sort of spirit. I’m usually terrified and I would always make myself wake up by moving my body left to right repeatedly.
I’ve also experienced some sexual situations, like being raped and not being able to do anything abt it.
But the other day it was truly awkward. I was staying in a hotel room, it was early morning and I was having sex with this invisible man and I was enjoying it, but eventually I freaked out, knowing it was a ghost, and made myself wake up. This was all so weird I don’t even know what to think…
I’m sorry, I have lucid sexual dreams some fantastic some scary but I am not afraid of them. They have caused me no harm
I love the experience and the adventure!
In fact, if there was a way to help a person to train to induce these dreams I sure would like to know.
Anyone have any ideas on a HOW-TO please let me know.
Inducing sleep paralysis is not hard when you’re already prone to it, and asking for a visitor is akin to setting an intention in lucid dreaming. this article may be of help:
I’ve had many episodes before. The last time was like 4 months ago. It got so bad to the point where the demon presence would try to kill me. I could tell it was a man, he dragged me and tried to drown me and choke me. Ever since I moved, I hadnt had one until last night. Just like the others, this time I couldnt see who it was but it was raping me. At first I enjoyed it a little bit but then it hurt like hell. The presence went to far. i finally got out of the episode but I dazed of again. It happened again until I just didnt sleep for the rest of the night. My question is: is this my conscience taking over my mind and body? or the same demon? Im only 17 years old.. still a virgin.
Hi Yenifer,
our fears can often take the form of “demons.” It’s natural to have fears about sexuality; the important thing is to cultivate safety and consensuality in dreams and waking life.
check out this article on ways to reduce sleep paralysis hallucinations:
and this article on ways to wake up from sleep paralysis quickly:
Alrite this has happend to me twice i was really worried about this. the first time was a few months ago i was lying in my gfs bed and she had gone to work early in the morning i fell back to sleep only i woke up about an hour later lying on my back with my arms by my side perectly straight my eyes could move but nothing else i was totally paralyzed it felt like a demon was holding me down. i gained control a few moments later but i was so scared then last week it happend again. however this time was different i woke up and in the corner of my eyes i saw someone enter the room. i thought it was my gf coming back from work however i was perfectly still and felt like i was been held down. then my body started feeling dead tingly like i was having an orgasm but without cum it felt like i was getting a bj it was a really nice feeling but i began to panic due to the paralysis feeling i thought that someone or something was doing this i tried to scream for help but nothing came out at this point i was really panicing however i gained feeling and movements.
i was worried about this i told my friend who said he heard someting about sleep paralysis but since finding this site it has relived me abit as i thought that a spirit was out for me.
intense encounter. I’ve had similar false awakenings in SP thinking that my wife was coming back into the room. Nope, that’s a goat creature, not my wife…. in any case, you’re not alone in this bizarre experience!
I have experienced demons at night. So far only at night. When I was about 8 or 9 I started having nightmares. I would dream that I would go to bed and as I fell asleep a little girl would pop up from the foot of my bed. I was terrified. I would scream and nothing would come out. Around age 15 I would sometimes hear voices whispering my name as I was falling off to sleep. In my 20’s I started experiencing a presence in my room. I could feel it watching me. It would wait until I started to drift off to sleep and then it would get on top of me and hold me down. I would try to yell out to my husband but I couldn’t. I had one instance where something ran it’s finger up my spine while I was sleeping. Just the other night it got on top of me and I could feel the air leave my throat and it started to speak in tongues. When it got off of me and I got my voice back I called out to my husband and he came upstairs and watched tv beside me so that I could get a little sleep. But when he turned off the tv and rolled over and went to sleep something grabbed my legs from the bottom of the bed and got on top of me with my husband right beside me. He never heard or felt anything. This morning when I bathed in the tub I found a blood clot at the bottom of my left leg where the demon was holding me at. These instances are happening every night now. I often wish it would just attack me before I go to sleep so that my sleep can be peaceful but it never does. I can only consider myself blessed that it doesn’t hold me down any longer than a few seconds. Any longer than that and it would probably suffocate me to death. I read my bible and try to stay in prayer. I rebuke these demons on the name of Jesus but they keep coming. I am a very happy person to those on the outside. I’m always smiling. You would never know that I was going through any of this by looking at me. But I feel that I am getting ready to have a breakdown. People think that people in institutions are crazy. They are not. Just because we don’t see what they see doesn’t mean it isn’t there.
Sorry to hear about your anguish Michelle. try working on ways of preventing these attacks, which I outline here:
Your blood clot discovery is interesting. There are other explinations worth considering besides cause/effect. Sometimes nightmares point out the places in our bodies that need healing. These are called prodromal dreams. This could happen with a sleep paralysis nightmare too (as all your symptoms sound like a sleep paralysis visitation to me). here’s another article about the role of the body when considering the meaning of dreams and visions:
im sorry michelle im a demon hunter i hunt and send demons back to hell one way to keep them away from you put a celtic cross at the top of your door or to tell you have one put garlic or if you paint or lip stick on your bedroom door spell the word demon
show your self and then call its name three times and if it shows its self tell it to go back to where it came from in the name of jesus christ or if the doesnt work burn sage or champa on every level of your house if works or doesnt work email me at and give me your mailing address i will send you everything you need to do your own exorsicms
Im a gay man and often i experience, while laying on my stomach, an entity violating me. I feel the winding, grinding and thrusting of this being on me. It talks to me. I can actually feel and smell its hot breath. Often i just go along with this thing and actually enjoy the experience. However sometimes, just like in real life, Im just not in the mood. I wind up fighting this thing off me to the point of exhaustion. Lol.
Right… sometimes we’re not in the mood. In these cases, be strong about your boundaries. Say no and mean it.
Last night My sleep was broken found it hard to get bk to sleep, i suffer with them for so menu years I have a feeling of it approaching me!!! As I went into a rest mind state it took over me very quickly I managed to get some movement in my leg and woke up but felt I was bring dragged bk into it I chant the lard is my sheppared pray a few time and it went!!! But the it was replaced with someone or something between my legs pleasuring me I woke up just b4 I came as I wasn’t sure what was happing and felt so horney I feel strate bk into it until I reached my orgasm I feel this person know exsacally where to touch and how I like it, and feel they like to pleasure me this has happen for a few years and love the feeling of being important to someone!!! Am excited and can’t wait for my next encounter strangely
Last night My sleep was broken found it hard to get bk to sleep, i suffer with them for so menu years I have a feeling of it approaching me!!! As I went into a rest mind state it took over me very quickly I managed to get some movement in my leg and woke up but felt I was bring dragged bk into it I chant the lard is my sheppared pray a few time and it went!!! But the it was replaced with someone or something between my legs pleasuring me I woke up just b4 I came as I wasn’t sure what was happing and felt so horney I feel strate bk into it until I reached my orgasm I feel this person know exsacally where to touch and how I like it, and feel they like to pleasure me this has happen for a few years and love the feeling of being important to someone!!! Am excited and can’t wait for my next encounter strangely
fascinating Kate — thanks for sharing.
I have in the past dreamed that I am being touched intimately. This feels good but scary too. Recently I saw a face for this unknown and it was one I recognized but have never met. In a strange way I think I was trying to accept this more as it is so satisfying.
I’ve been having terrifying dreams. I realized eventually they all started in a house or place where i couldn’t turn on any lights ( they just didnt work) and demons would rape me and cover my mouth and chest. I realized they started getting worse when the dreams started in my own bedroom and I thought I was awake but obviously wasn’t, and again not able to turn on any lights. I would try to wake myself up as soon as I realized no lights would turn on and then again I got got raped but this time on my own bed. I learned how to wake myself from sleep paralysis but every time it gets harder and harder to do so. What can I do to avoid this? I already try to not sleep on my back but they are so terrifying I loose so much sleep and cant go back to sleep for hours after. I just need some help..
I’ve had nightmares all my life and most of them I am being stabbed, raped, or die in a car accident when I’m not even the one driving. But the demons are the most scary ones. They have no identity and they just haunt me.
Hi Bethany. some of us are more prone to nightmares, it’s a sensitivity thing. the best advice I have is what worked for me: spend an hour before bed getting ready for sleep in a mindful and relaxing way. Light candles, play music, no computers/TVs, prayer/affirmations, just doing the things that helps you feel comfortable and relaxed. Be very strong with your boundaries for this sacred time. In the moment, in the dream, know that you have the power to turn these nightmares away. it takes courage but I can tell you that it’s well within your reach. I used to have these nightmares too, so I’m not just preaching. you may want to read this article series as it also is relevant:
I’ve been having sleep paraysis a lot for the past year because I research it a lot and also get close to OOBE so I do embrace it when it happens. At first it is scary and I have had nasty entities and alien figures performing sextual acts with me, but recently I’ve been in the paralysis and instead of the entities making advances to me, it’s almost like my spirt hand (since my physical body’s paralyzed) goes to pleasure myself, and the entities watch. I don’t see them directly anymore, just slight part of them. It’s also weird how my experiences are usually very vivid and usually I think back on the previous nights experience often, but now that I’m trying to remember all the different kind of experiences, I barely remember them.
Jordon — thanks for the narrative — very interesting, I’ve never heard of this particular SP encounter before. Sounds like you’re making a transformation from unpleasantness to confident action in regards to the sexual aspects of SP. Pretty remarkable, I’d like to hear more sometime about the entities themselves.
It is such a relief to know that I’m not the only person who has experienced this type of thing. I’ve experienced Sleep Paralysis before, but it wasnt until recently that I have started feeling the same type of experiences that you all have experienced.
Im a guy who is a christian, so I feel very guilty after these types of things start happening. Like last night it was the most realistic sensations ever. Like it felt like the cold fingers of death touching me over my body and in my private areas. Or multiple entities having there way with. Other times I’ve experienced some of the worst pains I’ve ever known.
I feel like I’m being punished for not being the best christian. I’m starting to come to terms with the fact that theres nothing I can do to stop this from happening, but I wish it would stop lol.
David, you may want to check out my article on sleep paralysis and spirituality:
I want to reassure you that SP is not your fault, and I have never heard it described in Christian settings as a punishment. Even St Augustine forgave himself for his dreams — read more about the history of dreams and Christianity here:
hello 🙂
i strated to have Lucid dreams from last year strongly for 6 months,i didn’t know about this so first i was so scared and frightend,when i serached on net and asked from my psyciatrist and some spritual friends i came to know what is this about,few of them was good and i strat floating over my bed and felt free,but in most of them somethings or entities wanted to catch me or harm me:(i even strat to scare to fall asleep!! when i do regular meditation LC will hapen more often and more clear and real…but it was few months that i didn’t have any till last week seems strated again! one was very god as i saw myself ,same “me” in a native indian amercian young man body in old time, i was caught with anothe indian tribes maybe coz i interd their area,there was a femali who i knew she like me and i was abit concern about my penis !( iam 34 years old persian girl!) i knew it was same “me ” so i was thinking culd it be one of my last births?!
another one happen today afternoon i got a nap and it was again a nightmare:(…once more last year i saw a beast ( similar to the pianting u put in this page which i was surprised to see!! only much bigger,like the one in “beauty and the beast” that lucid dream i was kind of rape by this entities,i was frighten coz he was huge and powerful, but i got huge plessure which i never experince befor with human being! and he was very protective and didn’t let anyone harm me!then dream chnaged to old time which he was beautifl human and we were both prince and had a 4-5 years old son together!) then today afternoon i became lucid after long time, paralized i woke up few times and understood still iam sdreaming coz my head was heavy yet, so i was slepping on m ystomach and i felt an entity slpet on my back, iwas horified ,but didn’t scare much,i remeber to aks him what he wants from me,i told him plz let me trun ,he let me,he was young man,i couldn’t see him ,he was in shadow,he foreplayed with my breats and inter me,i felt less plessure and then i asked him who is he and what he ants from me! he told “it is a shame for a man who died and still do not have a child!i want a baby with you!” i was like ha ?what? but how ican i have a baby with a ghost?!! then for few second isaw his necklace wich was a 4-5 lines oround his neck with small black cubes on every string,i touched them then he left me and walked out of my bedroom door…:( i woke up and couldn’t move for few mins then i straed ti cry!! i didn’t know who is he what he wants from me and wha tshould ido now?? i sreached alot today reached to your site, i felt abit better now..but still trifiying that what if i be hunted by a demon or low sprit or my energy is leaking out!!:( can u help me please?
om shanti
Leila, thanks for sharing. The encounter with an entity who claims to want to impregnate the dreamer is an ancient tale… we have writings describing such things from the ancient Babylonians and Dynasty Egypt too. I can’t advise you as to the nature of the dream figure… but I can tell you that many sufferers have been able to draw stronger boundaries and resolutions to keep such negative figures out of the sleep paralysis state of mind. It requires courage but you will find the strength. The most important thing to consider is your own beliefs — if you believe in demons or ghosts, these forms are likely to appear when you feel vulnerable. how do you create safety? how do you calm yourself down? where do you lean in times of crisis? Look to your helpful allies — be them living people, family, or spiritual guides — and incorporate them into an affirmation or prayer before you go to bed. These things and more I discuss in my free PDF the Sleep Paralysis Report (scroll to bottom of screen and click the image).
oh sorry for so many misspells!!
Ive been having sleep issues for the most part of this year. ive had some where something is trying to pick me up and move me when im sleeping, smother me etc I always rebuke in Jesus name and it leaves. Today I finished reading my Bible and drifted off for a nap( I just started reading my Bible and praying after a few years of not doing so) I had the most erotic dream. I dreamed that a invisible type man made love to me, it was so good, he was so sweet and took care of all of my sexual needs, when he did something that hurt he stopped and orally made it feel better. The whole experience was toe curling. In the dream I think he asked if I was with anyone, I said yes and I think it hurt his feelings because he went away and I missed him afterwards.Me and the guy Im dating are apart right now, distance wise. When I woke up from my nap my panties were absolutely drenched and were bunched up in my crack, which was odd because in my dream I just pulled them aside to make love. My hair on the right side by my face (in the front) was hard and kinky like sweaty love making hair but only on the side his face was on making love to me in my dream. I have bone straight hair that is very soft so my hair only ever gets like this after extreme love making and also I dont move to much in bed while sleeping anymore due to a back injury so I pretty much stay on my back and my hair isnt really long enough for that front part of my hair to be under my head to get roughed up and then on top of that the rest of my hair was normal straight and soft only where his face was in my dream.
I’ve never had one of these dreams before but a couple of days ago I dreamed that in my dream I was sleeping in my bed and I felt someone touch and squeeze my boobs which felt like someone was actually doing that then touching me down there I kinda think I liked it too it felt like from underneath me but I wasn’t laying on anyone I was laying on my back I thought it was this guy I like cause it felt like him then I woke up in my dream and realised no one was there so it can’t of been him cause he’s not a ghost and I got up scared and crying and I was in this white place my bed was there and so was a someone standing there and I walked up to them and was like I’m sleeping with him or something about that I’m not sleeping alone I’m sleeping with the guy I like to keep me save then last night well like hour an hour ago or so I woke up from a dream where I was laying in my bed and there was someone sitting up next to me and they were trying to touch me down there but I kept pushing their hand away and repeated I’m on a couple of times meaning that I’m on my periods then they stopped trying and then I held their hand by their index finger it felt like the boy I likes hand then I felt like I was being squeezed towards them so I then was squeezing their balls then I felt like I was being less squeezed but this time I was awake in my dream and this time I saw a body I didn’t see a face though but it felt like the boy I like again and this time it felt like someone was actually there next to me then I was in my old house and I tried to shut the kitchen door and I couldn’t it was like a ghost was stooping me from shutting it but no one was there I finally did and locked it then the door came open and I was scared then I ran to my mum in my dream scared and crying and I was trying to tell her what happened but I couldn’t speak but I could just about whisper and then my sister appeared then I woke up scared and crying out for the boy I like the last bit of me trying to close the door and stuff I’ve had dreams like that before so that part doesn’t bother me but when I actually felt like someone was touching my boobs and squeezing me it scared me but the weird thing is that every touch I felt not including me being squeezed though felt like the guy I likes touch, it felt like his hand when I touched it, it felt like him, it was like he was there with me.
i just came across this website & found it very interesting…i woke up this morning after having a very lucid felt very real dunno if to call it a dream or a nightmare that i was stuck in this “hell like place” kindda like a house but once u went in looked like a hell & the only one there was ted bundy which i ended up being lured into a very weird very real like sexual encounter with & i kept telling myself to wake up but couldnt & ended up being surrounded by demon like creatures & suddenly he dissapears & i woke up,now ive never been in any kind of incest/rape situation before in my life & i cant stop thinking about how real everything felt & looked & considering i was born in 1984 & bundy executed in 1989 I HAVE NO IDEA where this came from? any insight on what it might mean? this livid dream/nightmare?
ick — well, if you woke from the dream, technically it is a nightmare. I can’t tell you what it means for you — but I trust your instincts that it’s a version of what imagine hell would be like. the sexuality piece is always a personal journey.. if it were my dream, I would try to get hold of the bad feeling from the dream and keep a look out for it in waking life… where do you feel trapped, imprisoned, even manipulated ?
Hi, call me guera. I haad done black magick many years ago in my teens. I am now almost 30. For the past 6 mnths I’ve had experiences. I am in my room on my bed I feel someone “fondle” me. Then I feel like I am held down not at all sleepy. I am clairvoyant. I have been this way since I was 9 yrs old. I can feel this presence penetrate my clit.Goin deep inside me makng love to me till I orgasm. I have also felt anal rape as well. When I am in my room, I see what I call flurries. They are white balls of light floating around me when this happens? Is this paranormal? Thanx, Guera
Hi Guera,
sounds like erotically charged hypnagogia to me. Modern dream research has only just begun to tease (ahem) apart the biological, cultural and psychological components of this remarkable class of experience. hypnagogic visions also common include white light and other geometric designs that become part of the seen environment. Is it paranormal tho? A separate question, one that really depends on your beliefs and the kind of energy you decide to let into your dreamlife! I can’t comment on that — but I do believe these experiences should be treated with respect and sometimes the caution of paranormal encounters — so know how to protect yourself, know when to say ‘I’ve had enough’ but also remain open to new possibilities… a troubling balance as always!
Please help! I’ve always had terrible nightmares all my life but nightmares are all they are as I am asleep even though they feel reel but do wake up in a panic and in a very cold sweat. These nightmares consist of always being in a dark eerie house where I can here people and sometimes see them but can never reach them or they hear me. My other dreams are constantly of the devil chasing me but never catches me and in effect always terrified but never harmed but just recently, I experienced the most horrendous nightmare last night or SP, do not know! I remember going to sleep on my back with my arm laid out to the side resting on my cat and my other arm by the side of my head, I felt hot and very tired and soon went into a deep sleep and suddenly, I felt an overwhelming presence swooping down on me but still asleep, and even though scared but comforted as this presence was aiming to lie its head in between my armpit and had an overwhelming feeling it was my father visiting me and soon as I kind of knew it was him, even though I could not see, I accepted it but in a split second, it felt like I had opened my eyes and I looked to my side at this figure and it was pure black, no face and I knew something was very wrong, I was asleep but felt my eyes open in the sleep and when I saw this black faceless figure, I tried to move my arm which was resting also on my cat, it wouldn’t move and I had the most horrendous whooshing through my brain and shooting down that arm, a numbness, almost like a whooshing of pins and needles, I also felt my cats legs on my hand tingling when a cat dreams, it’s body shakes…at that point, I knew I could not move and this figure starting moving on top of me and I instantly knew it was a demon of some sort…next thing which was very quickly, i was very aroused to the point of orgasm, my arms felt pinned flat but my bottom half was tense with pleasure but I enjoyed it but then I looked down to see this figure, I could see what I thought was not human and freaked me out, I wriggled frantically to get away from this thing and I managed to and i could see myself sitting on the floor pulling loads and loads of condoms from me, it was never ending! The black figure was sitting on my bed watching me frantically doing this and there was a 2nd black figure (faceless) watching and laughing. Until I pulled the last condom out of me, in a flash they both flew to the window quickly in a flash. I then get up and noticed the window was smashed which I get up to look outside the window (still asleep but again conscious of this) to see two young men heading towards the window climbing up to get me and that point I wake up in a terrible cold sweat and very frightened.
This is the first time I’ve ever encountered this but can tell you that I have been thinking about a date I am going on and he already warned me that he doesn’t want to hurt me and would only be fun…would that have a connection plus I was sexually abused from a very young age but all that was forgiven as that person no longer lives.
Please help as I since then have not gone back to sleep for the fear of what may happen next but this demon did not hurt me but frightened me, his sexual encountered toward me were quite gentle but his attitude was cunning.
Thank you.
Please Reply
My own inclination would be to ask: when did I have a choice in this encounter, and when did I lose my cool? Whether you think this be dream or demon, our waking life patterns and thoughts are mirrored during these times. If the fear continues, this could be an indicator to try doing more work with a therapist around sexual abuse.
I have been having these experiences for over a year now. I have never felt scared or threatened by the force that has sex with me. At first it was fairly rough sex i could feel the energy and the torso and the penis but i couldn’t see it, just an over whelming force, that forced me to the bed. It is so strong, it once pinned me face first to the bed and took me from behind. Last night it happened again, only i was communicating with it, it kissed me and i kissed back and it made love to me and also felt like it gave me oral pleasure. I opened my legs and felt inviting like i was under some trance.My mum has has a similar experience too, maybe these are just dreams but its very strange. It only ever happens when i sleep alone, except once when it happened when my bf was in my bed and he has sleep paralysis that night and couldnt move at the same time i had the sexual experience.
Strange indeed! Sounds like healthy sexual dream-Visions to me.
I’m 50 years old this started about 3 mounths ago now it does it will I’m awake,the sexual attacks at work,church,stores, driving, any idear?
James, this sounds like trouble to me, I would recommend talking to a trusted mentor or counselor, especially someone who respects your faith
When I was about 17 (two years ago) I remember waking up during the night and feeling like someone was on top of my chest. Nothing happened as I fell back asleep and a few weeks later I told a friend of mine (who is a Pagan) and she said that it was a really bad thing and that some demon was trying to prey on me. I was quite frightened so I made myself believe that the blankets were just too heavy and that I had imagined it. The other night I got really drunk and made out with a male friend at a party for the first time. It was quite an intense experience and we almost had sex, but I stopped it because I’m a virgin and I knew that he didn’t want more than friendship despite the fact that I did. Since then I have been extremely horny and yet haven’t pleasured myself from the guilt I felt at compromising my dignity. Last night I woke up during the night and felt the desperate need to pleasure myself and tried to despite the fact that I was half-asleep. It wasn’t working and I could not get pleasure from my fingers despite the fact that I was soaking wet. I fell back asleep and when I opened my eyes I couldn’t see anyone, but I could feel someone touching me and I could feel him on my chest. I tried to push away because the way he touched me was exactly like the friend I had made out with at the party and I was afraid of doing something stupid again. But then I felt his hand on my clitoris and couldn’t help myself. We had sex and it felt amazing even though neither of us climaxed. I thought it was just a dream and that I just needed release until I read this and remember actually physically feeling him. I’m kind of worried about the fact that the spirit or whatever felt like it was the male friend I made out with. Is it possible that it was him?
Ana, my own suggestion would be to view the experience as a dream-vision continuation of what was started in waking life. Sexual energy has a habit of expressing itself unbidden in these states, and it’s nothing to be ashamed about.
Its been about six months since I have had sleep paralysis but for whatever reason I started thinking about 2 different instances that happened to me about 3 years ago. First off, I used to live in a house that was very old and carried a lot of weird energy. The day I moved out, I asked the landlord if anything weird had ever happened there and apparently a crazy woman, hoarder, had lived there until the city came in because she was living in her feces (house was remodeled…ew). Anyway, I didn’t sleep for about a year because of the frequent paralysis and just disturbances that I felt. This one night I clearly remember a black figure, I could seen his face, it was almost as if he was just passing through and I woke up to him twisting my nipples…I freaked out and of course, couldn’t move. I regained strength and kinda gave him a gtfo look and then I got up. Hmmmmmm ???
The second instance was not sexually related but thinking I should ask. It happened around 5am (usually would happen btwn 2-4) I was a “awoken” by a black figure but was small, it reminded me of the grim reaper, and a black part of it was floating
Towards me. Probably about 1 foot away from me. I woke up and was like wow I hope that wasn’t death coming for me lol!!! Anyway I went back to sleep only to be suddenly woken up by, no joke, the ghost of Christmas present. He stormed in loud and I couldn’t make out what he was saying but it was almost as if he was shooing away the black ghost. Anyway, a Christmas carol has never had that big of an impact on me, or at least not enough to have a lucid dream about it….thoughts?
I’ve been experiencing sleep paralysis since I can remember. I wake up, can’t move, the usual symptoms. I know what is happening and move on with my life. For the second time now in my life. I’ve woken up lying on my stomach with someone lying on top of me, thrusting on me. The closest thing I could imagine it to would be a prison rape. As a hetero male, this is very freighting and disturbing. Is this common in the sleep paralysis world?
This is just the beginning, I have experienced this three years ago, and you are being visited by a demon that is aggressive. From what I experienced, this succubus will eventually keep coming as a weird dream usually in a familiar image (friends face, a recent photo you have seen, etc) and will rape you in your dreams until you wake up feeling the pain. What I did to prevent that is playing god’s word (Qura’an) in low volume while i am sleeping and it stopped. When I stop playing the words it comes back and do that thing even more like if it was pissed. This will sound weird, but I now, reached a level that I am able to have sex while i am awake with a female-like body, not gonna lie, it feels better than having sex with a real human. You can’t kick this entity very easily, but you will start having better dreams of you having normal sex, and maybe having sexual activity when you go lay down before you sleep (still awake i mean). I dont mean by sex “getting raped” I mean the entity will let you treat it like a female. Although I warn you, its very addictive and you may start hating human females. I now have a gf, but after skipping many ones because I got carried out.
Good luck.
Hello everyone,
I don’t know if my sexual orientation (I’m gay) has anything to do with this but my first experience of this sort was back when I was a teen in high school. I’ve had two experiences where I was sodomised by a person like form; what I want to know is why my anus felt sore the next day as if I had a real sexual encounter with someone? Aside from these two erotic dream experiences I’ve also had three sleep paralysis dreams which I found more disturbing.
The dreams I’ve had with sleep paralysis have been pretty much the same as everyone else’s here where I feel like I’m awake and sense the presence of someone and I want to move but I can’t. I think that the most frightening feeling about it is the feeling of vulnerability, lack of control of the situation, and the eerieness of the present entity. I can’t remember for sure how I’ve managed to overcome the “dream” but I feel that I’ve woken up after tremendous effort in trying to move or forcing myself to wake up.
In the most recent experience, I felt what you call an out of body experience I guess, where I could see my body sleeping and could see a shadow looking at me but I couldn’t do anything to scare it off or wake my body. At the same time I (the body sleeping) had an eerie feeling I was being watched so I wanted to wake up once I realized I was dreaming, I tried moving about my limbs and body but they wouldn’t respond except my neck and head, so I tried screaming but no sound would come out. I finally managed to awaken myself and I don’t know if it was from the fresh image I had from my dream or if something in fact was there but when I woke up for a brief instant I saw the dark figure looking down on me. Of course that creeped me out even more because I was now awake but because we’re taught that such things don’t exist my conditioned response was to wipe my eyes to get a fresh clear view, which of course had disappeared. Of the three occasions this one shook me the most, which made me think back to the aforementioned sexual dreams. Do these dreams have something in common or are they independent of each other? And do they have any meaning?
I’m glad I found this site. I tried to share my experiences on another site, and I was very unhappy with the responses.
First off, I am very in tune with my dreams and states of consciousness. I know these experiences are not simply lucid dreams. I am in my mid 30’s and a few months ago I started regularly being visited by a very rough sexual entity. It almost always happens early morning, though sometimes it will happen during an afternoon nap. It usually happens when I am laying on my side, but occasionally on my stomach. It also seems to depend on my clothing, or lack thereof.
Sometimes I slide right into SP(I am very familiar with this experience) and sometimes it comes from dreams. During lucid dreams I will all of a sudden become overwhelmed with sexual thoughts and start acting out accordingly, or I will not be lucid, but involved in a very sexual dream. From this I reach the state of SP where it visits me. I am fully aware that I am in my bed. I can hear the birds outside, I am even aware of my cat near me or moving through my room. Sometimes I can actually see my room, but it’s very fuzzy, other times I see nothing. Inevitably(unless I awaken myself purposely) the experience ends by a loud noise in the waking world. I am usually disappointed at this. Sometimes I can fall back into it, sometimes not.
I am not afraid, and at times when I feel the experience getting too rough for me, I have firmly stated to the entity that it needs to stop. Usually it does, but when it does not I have been able to snap myself out of it. For the most part, I just surrender and go with it. It will spin me around, sit me up, flip me over. It’s pretty acrobatic. It always begins with a really heavy buzzing in the ears. I think it tries to communicate with me by whispering in my ear. The whispering tickles and is very unpleasant. I usually cannot handle it and either tell it to stop, or it wakes me up. The pressure on my chest and the tingle sensation all over my body is of course always there. The tingling may last to an hour or so after awakening, and the chest pressure can last all day. It’s not painful, but strange and uncomfortable.
For the most part I am fascinated by these experiences. They are almost always blatantly sexual and perverse, but sometimes they are gentle and completely avoid any oral stimulation or penetration. I am now attempting to induce and welcome them. It can be extremely pleasurable. I’ve been trying to communicate with the entity, I have asked it’s name, and asked it to show itself, but I have never seen a physical form. It has tried with the whispers, but they tickle too much. Sometimes I hear a stream of conscious chatter in a male voice which I have thought was the TV. I awaken only to find the TV not on.
On the other site, everyone attacked me for saying I enjoyed the experience. I had a lot of religious babble thrown at me and people warning me about demons and satan. I do get a sense that it is a bit of a dark entity, but I feel in control of myself and feel as though I have the will to overpower it at any given moment.
I had two really intense experiences this morning. The pressure is still in my chest. As I have been typing, I have felt it become more intense.
It would be nice to hear from more people who are fascinated and not scared by these experiences. Is it wrong that I am welcoming them? According to the other site it is and it is only going to cause me problems in my life.
Any thoughts???
Fascinating Sue, thanks for sharing. You won’t find any condemnation from me. I’m convinced that these experiences can be healthy musch of the time. I think there’s a lot of people who will read your story and feel relieved to know that it’s possible to lose the fear, as well as possible to experience pleasure in this safe way. Dreams are amazing for their ability to tap deeply into our emotions, sexual drives and of course, the imaginal realm where we aren’t in control, but are able to watch as spontaneous visions emerge without our conscious knowing. If you — or anyone — feels like they are losing energy, vitality or self-control in a bad way in these kinds of visions, then it’s possible to discuss how sexual dreams can be unhealthy or repetitive — of course because they are showing up our foilables and patterns, they provive rich opportunities to turn them around, or work the dreams with professionals. But I have found this case is a minority.
ive had two of these dreams in the past..the first time i was having sex in a lucid dream then all of a sudden there was blood all over the walls and i felt as if i was getting raped by a demon from behind but for some reason i couldn’t turn around to see who it was and i was not enjoying it at all… the second time i had a dream or lucid dream i cant really recall but i was in my own bed and again i was having sex with a demon from behind, it talked this time and i was weirdly enjoying the dream overall but when i woke up i was a little freaked out. Are these demons in everyones dreams real or are we all weird and like to have these odd fantasies?
A couple months ago, i dreamt that a prisoner raped me, and was calling for help and no one would help me. I was on the edge of passing out in my dream and he stabbed me in my side and I had an extreme orgasium, and i woke up in pain but no evidence of being touched.. I dont understand…