Sleep paralysis is the terrifying feeling of being held down after just waking up or going to sleep. You can’t move or scream, and sometimes this paralysis is accompanied with the certainty that someone –or something — is in the room.
Quite simply, sleep paralysis is one of the most horrifying experiences in life, because we feel awake but can’t believe what is happening to us.
The truth is, sleep paralysis is a biological event and there is nothing to be worried about. You’re not dying. It’s a hiccup in the brain’s chemical soup as we transition from sleep to wakefulness.
Recurrent sleep paralysis can often be prevented by attending to lifestyle choices, but making new habits can take time.
So how do you wake up from sleep paralysis tonight?
Here I compiled 9 ways to get out now.
Note: Because this is such a personal thing, some of these tactics will work for you, and others won’t. Choose the ones that make the most sense to you intuitively. Think of these strategies as tools in a toolbox to bring out when the conditions are right. Make a plan and resolve to remember it for the next time you wake up in sleep paralysis.
1. Don’t Fight
If you feel like you are being held down and you can’t move, do not fight back. This actually will intensify the experience. Not only is fighting back likely to increase the feelings of being held down (so much that it may seem like you are being crushed), but fighting back will also increase the fear, thus triggering the emotional centers of the brain and strengthening this lucid nightmare. Controlling fear is the most important skill during these moments.
2. Surrender and Go with the Flow
Instead, try to relax when you notice SP starting to happen. Prepare an affirmation like “This is SP and I am okay.” If you feel pressure on your chest, see if you can “go with” the pressure rather than against it. It’s like winning a fight by having no resistance. For example, for me, I often feel like I’m being pushed into the mattress when I have SP. I let myself go, and mentally “pull” in the direction I am being pushed. What happens is I then “pop” into a full-on dream, or I can wake up directly.
3. Wiggle your Toe
Another excellent tactic that works for many people is to try to move an extremity, such as a finger or a toe. Most of the feelings of paralysis are in the belly, chest, and throat. So focus all you attention on the toe and try to move it back and forth. In many cases, this will break the paralysis.
4. Clench your Fist
This is a variation of the toe wiggle method. Clench and unclench your fist.
5. Focus on your Breath
An easy way to stop these nightmares is to do some controlled breathing. Controlled breathing does several things at once. For starters, it lessens the feelings of chest pain that sometimes accompany SP. Breathing is autonomic like the heart’s beating or digestion, so it’s not paralyzed like the big muscles in our arms, chest and legs. But breath can be controlled with attention or be affected by severe fear, which may be why SP sufferers “forget” to breathe when under attack. If you can control your breath, you can control your fear. Simply draw your breath in at a normal rate, and exhale fully, using all of your lung capacity. Notice that you can breathe fully without obstruction. This technique will keep you calm as the SP runs its course and then you will wake up without any trouble. A few moments of focused breathing with a strong intention to wake up is effective.
6. Lean into Love to Find Courage
Now is also the time to lean into unconditional love. For many, the surest path is in religious or spiritual beliefs. Regardless, focus on a figure that you admire and love. Think of someone who calms you down—someone who you associate with peace, love and safety. This could be Jesus, the Dali Lama, or someone you know personally. In my first SP nightmare when I was fourteen years old, I thought about the love and respect I had for a girl in my class. Embarrassing but true! It worked: the feelings of oppression and evil dissipated immediately. In this case, true love really does conquer all.
7. Getting Help from your Sleep Partner
If someone shares your bed, you can tell them about your SP attacks and what to look for when you are having a nightmare. For example, my wife used to shake me awake whenever I began to breath heavily and irregularly in my sleep. As it turns out, she was waking me up each and every time from an intense SP nightmare. Now when this happens, I tell her not to wake me up, because I actually use SP to go into a lucid dream.
You could also have your partner respond to a verbal request. This only works some of the time, because some people cannot speak in paralysis. But some can. Choose a short word that is easy to say. “Help” is a good choice. When you’re in paralysis, focus your attention on your throat and say “Help.” Don’t try to say it as loud as you can; what may happen is that your imagination will take over and you will only say the word in your dream. Instead, say it forcefully but without screaming.
8. Coughing for Help
A variation of using your voice is to try to cough into wakefulness. Like breathing, coughing can be autonomic or consciously regulated. By coughing on purpose, you can jar yourself awake.
9. Write out the Plan
The suggestions above all have helped hundreds of people get out of SP and get some sleep. Not every tactic will work with you. But having too many tactics in your mind can actually be counterproductive. So it is important to make a plan, almost like the fire escape plan you may have for evacuating your family home in case of emergency. Write it out; this will cement the plan in your mind and make it easier to remember when the paralysis comes on strong.
10. The Ultimate Method I know — I said 9 ways, but this is the single best way to wake up from sleep paralysis and it’s really in a class of it’s own. When you realize you are in SP, scrunch up your face. In other words, make a face like you just smelled something bad. Snarl and squint. Do this two or three times in a row and the paralysis will break IMMEDIATELY. I’m not sure why it is so effective, but unlike the pinky wiggle, this method is foolproof.
After you wake up, get out of bed immediately and turn on a light. Wash your face with cold water. If you just stay in bed, the chance of sliding right back into sleep paralysis is pretty high.
Want to break the spell of sleep paralysis? Download my free Sleep Paralysis Report below!
Hi Tori, sounds like SP to me. it can easily happen in other positions. For me, it often occurs when I am sleeping on my stomach as well. your little boy hallucination is interesting – maybe he has something to ask you or tell you – I wouldn’t be afraid if he comes back and would instead try to be welcoming and see what happens.
Try calming down for a second and imagine some one is defibilirating you by jumping your chest or something.. its hard to explain. but hope u get an idea. it works for me
When you wake up, how do you feel?
I felt held down and the more I prayed and stronger there was a black mist that seemed to move off my arms and into the air, it would get more intense and then everything went darker and it felt like I was slipping away. Next think the dark got lighter and I woke up. Heart rate normal, breathing normal. But I was totally freaked out by the experience. Can anyone help me out with this?
That is truly freaky. I just had that same experience a few minutes ago as to how I ended up here.
That is truly freaky. I just had that same experience a few minutes ago as to how I ended up here.
I felt like something was trying to take my soul.
and i too just ended up here at this site as i also have what seems to be a very strong black force that i can almost see as a black cloud iv had it every night this last wk and just now was the worst ever ! As my arms were crossed or folded around my chest this force thing seemed to be forcing my own arms around my chest and neck so i seemed to be strangled by my own arms ! It seriously makes me too sacred to go bak to sleep ! The other terrifying thing is that every time it happens i cant breath at all ! My only way out is to tell myself i am stronger than watever is doing this to me and use every bit of strength in my mind to force my eyes open ! I hate it and want it to stop but dont understand it ! Any help would be so appreciated
For the past 6 months or so I have been trying to become a successful lucid dreamer and in this past month or so it has been working but, not to my liking. Since mid February I do this thing where when I’m in a dream I will randomly say to myself “I’m in a dream” and all of a sudden I will feel my heart rapidly beat and I will begin to wake up. The only thing is, every time this has happened to me, I wake up in sleep paralysis. Normally I jerk my head to the right and it will break me free but it stopped working so now I’m grateful to have found your post. Last night was the first time I’ve hallucinated while in sleep paralysis and I actually saw myself get up in my bed, stared at my dog for a few seconds, turned on to my hands, and then I just blinked and was on my back again. I don’t want these little episodes to get worse as they were shown doing so last night but rather learn to use them. If I wake in the middle of the night, I want to try a wake induced lucid dream but, I fear the paralysis. Is there anyway to learn to not fear it because being blind and paralyzed are my two biggest fears in this world, and I don’t know how to overcome either.
i cnt believe it … this is exactly what is happening to me!
i believe you for this problem has been happening to me since i was a child… but in recent years i came to master this art by starting to pray before i sleep.. this has never happened to me since then but it comes back if i sleep without praying.. i get up and pray then go back to sleep like a baby… i feel good thiz dayz because i can sleep anytime i want unlike before.. try prying to God and you will find protection from him!!
I too find my way out thru prayer as soon as I realize I’m having it I start praying The Our Father and I wake up fast! I always thought it was like a curse because my father a nd my two sisters also suffer from this but my brother and my older sister don’t so I was always wondering why
hey Matt, most people who are using Wake induced lucid dream methods don’t have any real trouble with sleep paralysis – it’s a quick pass-through to the dream. Sometimes naming it while it happens can allow you to take stock, lose your fear, and then move on to your primary intention. the paralysis is temporary and not harmful.
and welcome Layla!
I have been suffering with these so called dreams for years i now call this thing that pins me to my bed my friend. he talks to me, makes me dream things i so do not want to dream. i do believe that this thing wants something from me. but i love my life. i have three kids that i love with all my heart and do not want to leave them. my “Friend” knows this and HE knows i will fight to keep my soul, it is my right to be among this earth. and i do not care if HE does not like it. my FRIEND visits me every single week and i can feel his presence every time i enter my bedroom even when i am wide awake, this last week, mothers day week end he showed himself to me, actually became a real live person, i could smell him, feel him and yeah i could taste him. i felt the pins and needles that usually covered my body from head to foot and brought on the paralysis i fought against it. i said with my mind DO NOT PARALYZE ME, IT SCARES ME,, I HATE IT. and he stopped. i felt my FRIEND turn me onto my back he told me HE WANTS ME. that I EXCITE HIM. i only ever experienced this type of assault a few months back. i am not insane and neither am i delusional. MY FRIEND told me he needs me, he needs to feed. i havent given up fighting not by a long chalk and HE knows it. but this sleep paralysis is bullshit. there is something out there. i just cant believe it affects so many people but there is one thing i can tell you all that works for sure. FIGHT. FIGHT with everything you have because then IT has no hold over you. Your soul belongs to YOU and YOU alone. Nothing or no one can TAKE it from you. Believe me people please! over the past year i have had to fight for my soul so many times it is unbelievable. But if you dont believe me fight anyway and then let me know. i promise you. you will not be disappointed. hell yeah it is scary but your soul is the most precious source of life available and believe me when i tell you DEMONS are out there. i know i sound like a nut job. i cant believe i am even writing this crap but believe me when i tell you i this SLEEP PARALYSIS SYNDROME is a fancy word for saying NO HONEY YOU ARE NOT NUTS. its an even fancier term for all these professors and doctors to put a label on it like they do with depression. it is not an act of the mind believe me. For those of you that read this and your heart pumps i know you feel how i feel.for those of you that read this and think I am nuts, that is fine. i dont expect you to believe me. hell i have a hard time believing myself half of the time, i am not insane, but i have too many experiences in this field to feel insane. my world has soon turned into a reality i neither like nor want – believe me! the only thing i can say to all suffers out there is please, please do fight. do not give in, it goes away eventually, trust me
I BELIEVE YOU…!!! this is the same thing that has been happening to me as well… i feel like something is holding me down to the bed so tightly and touching me in unwanted places.. (private places) its not this sleep paralysis that everyone is talking about… i feel wat ur talking about right now.. its the same thing… i dont like the feeling its like someone is trying to have sex with me forcefully… its so hard to wake up at this particular moment… unless u r sleeping next to someone and that person wakes you up by shaking u out of that sleep… my husband always have to wake me out of it as i start saying somethings out in my sleep, i know for sure that im screaming out to help me and wake me up, but when i ask him about it he says that i was just muttering something and so he assumes that i must be having a nightmare and wakes me up… but yeah.. saying the Lords prayer while in that state does help you in getting out of that state most of the time…!!!
Hi I just read ur story nd I didnt know that this type of thing was going on. Well last night this was the first time ive ever went through something like this and I must say that I was scared to death. Nothing like this ever happen to me before. First off I was laying in bed nd I was dozing off to sleep when I felt like something pulled my foot I look up nd didnt see nothing so I shrug it off nd layed back down. What happen next will always haunt me forever. I open my eyes nd there was something just standin there watching me. It was all black with no face nd it look like it had on a robe or something like the grim reaper I tried to move I couldnt I tried to scream but couldnt I felt so much fear from it that thing didnt say nothing but it felt like it knew I was scared nd it wouldnt let me move I dont know what this is or what to do how can I get through this again if or when that thing trys to come back nd what does it want from me any replys would be great..
wow. and again, i didnt know so many had this also. what i do is laugh and say, “your angry you can’t have me. i am more powerful than you. i belong to me.” sometimes i will even taunt and tease, then it goes away. this would happen practically every night. i’ve been told that i sing in my sleep ending with hallelujah. a surprise to me. wacks me out………..lol. really cause i cant remember any spiritual songs when im awake.
Claire, your post made me laugh out loud “no honey you’re not nuts”. You wrote a passionate call to arms for taking back the night. thanks for that. I don’t share all your opinions, but I’m glad you commented. Fighting is usually not effective for me, but it can be for those who have strong beliefs about spiritual entities. however you parse it, each sleep paralysis sufferer has to decide for themselves whether it’s appropriate to relax boundaries or protect them.
For anyone who’s subscribed to this comment thread, I just wrote a new piece about ways to prevent sleep paralysis from happening:
I suffered sleep paralysis nightly as a child. I would receive what I thought were nightly “visits” where something would call my name out loud. I would feel the intense pressure on my body. I also walked (some) in my sleep but primarily (still) talk, laugh, and cry.
The incidents tapered off as I grew up, but they turned somewhat sexual later in life. I’m 48 now and haven’t had an occurrence since my twenties. At that time, I discovered lucid dreaming and feel that is the key to the end of my paralysis. The last time it happened, I embraced it without fear.
Now I am able to dream lucidly by finding my hands (Castaneda), or in the midst of flying, and it is usually right before my monthly period. I can make myself wake up quite easily.
My mother also suffers (still) from sleep paralysis and she sees the old crone. I also had a friend who suffered it – was so happy when we discussed it because before I knew what it was, I felt so alone with that darkness. Her brother said to say “Yes, Jesus” when her name was called, but we both knew Jesus was not present at those moments.
I didn’t know really what it was until I happened to see a TV show that featured “The Nightmare” by Henri Fuseli. What a great relief now to have the internet and sites like this that can help explain my very strange childhood.
I really feel for you Claire because I understand the battle with the shadow. I think understanding our power is the key – the power to create our own reality. Good luck to you.
I’m glad I stumbled upon your site, unfortunately none of these methods work for me yet.
I have experienced sleep paralysis/lucid dreaming from as far back as my memory goes. As a small child (3yo) I was terrified of going to bed, as I grew a little older (about 8yo) I was certain our house was haunted.
I’d hear my name whispered. I’d also feel like someone was pushing against my head, face or sitting on my legs instead of a pressure on my chest.
I used to try make a noise, to get up to turn on the light, only to find I couldn’t move, or could move but the light switch wouldn’t work. The nightmares were so real that I have only realised recently that they were in fact dreams. Some were recurring nightmares and I still get them occasionally (I am 42).
The lucid dreaming (flying, experiencing breathing underwater etc) was an extreme opposite. It was a total happy experience, like an escape from the nightmares.
These days, having recently learned what sp is, I can tell myself it’s just sp but the nightmares still take over.
hi Jane, thanks for commenting. maybe now that you have learned about SP, one of these tactics will help. half the trouble is calming down and recognizing what is happening is SP. give it some time, and particularly I would suggest the face-moving or finger-moving tactics. once awake, get out of bed, turn the light on and stay awake for some time, reading a book or listening to music that is relaxing. As a long-time sufferer myself, I can tell you that overcoming fear is the biggest obstacle, but it can be done!
nice article, for me i usually find myself going with the flow and slipping into a dream. Since i know that i am dreaming, i simply make it a lucid dream :).
when ever i want to wake up from a SP incident i usually jerk my neck around.
I’m wide awake now after having another episode of being held down or something.
My first experience was many years ago when I stay with a friend at the time at his place in London where his mom has passed away. I was held down and something was covering my mouth so I couldn’t breathe either.. It was the first most harrowing experience I have ever had. I was so terrified I managed to get downstairs to his sofa where I stayed awake with a lamp on holding my knees close to my chest.
Last night I went to bed as usual either on my side or on my stomach (around 0030 CET) and just woke up at 1445 unable to move with something hold me back. This time I was able to get some speach/crys for help – more whimperng, but more understanding I think if you could hear it that I was calling for my sister Jane. Whatever this sleep disorder is or if truly something does attack you in your sleep realised I was awake and finally left.
Usually I wake up a little cold and then my body temperature is hot until it settles again. Usually at this point I’m very tearful (as I am now).
I never knew there where so many people out there having the same sleep problems, so now I finally decided to Google the issue I will try one of the 9 ways to relax/wake up from this paralysis.
I have read many materials about sleep phases, REM, speel telepathy and sleep paralysis, before my first experience of SP.
I “woke” up, unable to move. I told to myself: “Gah, sleep paralysis..let’s continue sleeping. Brain, enter some sex scene with my boyfriend…” Then I felt like I fall down and felt asleep in lucid dream…. my boyfriend in romantic scene. Then I wake up, wet… wet dream…
Second time it happened, I done the same, but the scene was not this one I requested, Instead I felt in Subway restaurant, but it was scary so i told to me: “I am very lucid now, WAKE ME UP!” – experienced false awakening then, and felt back in the scene with my friend, but woke up by the alarm clock. I woke paralysed, but after 3 seconds my paralysys broke and I stopped the alarm clock, realizing that it’s sunday, so I just felt back asleep (and the boyfriend scene continued from where it was left).
I don’t have SP often but when I do it’s really scary to me. I am 19. During SP I can see exactly everything in the room like where it was but never have it when I left my TV on. So one of the thing we can do to avoid is is leave our tv on( Disney channel) for me. I worked at a bar and drunkness makes me fall right to sleep with suffering SP. When it happens to me, I can tell that my eyes are open, looking around trying to reach my boyfriend for help, I tried to scream out, he’s a deep sleeper so I had to cry to wake him up. Everytime he has nightmares he hits me accidentally. That sp thing covered my mouth and I can feel its on top of my body. Pushing my chest and holding on to me hands. I am Vietnamese and my mom told me its call” ma de” meaning demons ( ghost) scaring u by laying on top of u… She has it too but she wakes up with bites and punches. I know I am not alone. I never had a sexual experience and I’m sure I don’t want to go through that but when I wake up from sp, not sure how but i was praying none stop and top of that “I say fock u stupid fock let go of me leave me the fock alone I don’t want u suffocating me “” IF I failed at trying to pray and sty calm and go with the flow….. Which is allowing that THING to hurt me in SP.. I prayed to my religion Buddhist. I pray for that thing that’s hurting me to go to heaven. Then it let me go… I grab my bf and cry cry cry. I am so scared I know It can’t kill me. But it can hurt me emotionally and can possible bite me and pinch me like it does to mom. Ahhh.. I don’t wanna sleep… Because I am alone now.. My mom tell me to be strong dont be weak, be healthy and dont work 5pm-2am anymore it’s not good for my health so it doesn’t take advantage to get into my sleep and fock with me.. Thanks you to Ryan and wonderful site and everyone comments I read every and each comment. Claire’s topic gave me courage to write on here! Thanks everyone
Miquel, sure enough prayer is effective if–and only if– prayer relaxes and empowers you.
I can’t recommend keeping the light on tho. sleep paralysis is actually stirred up by further insomnia and fractured sleep, which a light source in the bedroom can unwittingly promote. best instead to calm down, get grounded and go back to sleep… preferably not on your back. 🙂
I’ve been having SP off and on for the past few months. The 1st time it happened I was 14. Now it has started back up a few months ago and I’m now 21. For the 1st time its happened twice in 1 night which for me was about 3 or 4 hours ago. When it first started back up I would freak out and call for God and Jesus because I thought I was being possessed. But here I am now and when it happens and my 1st though is “Oh hell”.” Kinda like the “Oh hell” you think when you see someone that will stop you on the sidewalk and talk for what seems like hours. Now that I know it’s SP it’s just really annoying now. I guess it last for about a minute or two but it’s the LONGEST minute of my life. I just kinda sit there. (Get it? I can’t move anyways haha). I wouldn’t mind slipping into a good lucid dream but its not worth the hassle haha. I guess I’m one of the lucky ones not to have experienced any of the creepy and terrifying things everyone else has had.
I’m all for the spiritual side of it cause I kinda think something is following me (not scaring just aggravating) but I believe that if you think your being possessed and you evoke the name of Jesus and nothing happens then your pretty much dreaming.
You awake but your still dreaming. Weird, no? If I’m experiencing SP and I can see the room I’m currently in ( after tonight I’m starting to believe our eyes are open JUST enough to take in out surroundings but not wide enough for anyone to look at us and tell we are awake) I start thinking about demons and BAM I start freaking out because I SEE the demons in the room I’m in. Doesn’t that just mean I’m DREAMING I see demons in the room because I’m half sleep, half awake? Get it? Just calm down and go with it is all I can tell you.
I’ve heard you can look at your palms in your dreams and you can tell your dream so you will wake up. Guess what? The 2nd time it happened tonight I was able to “move” my hand in front of my face and my hand disappeared. I’m like wtf? haha my brain is screwing with me.
If you look at a clock in your dream you know your dreaming. 1st time I had SP tonight I was laying on my side and I had my laptop open on Google+. Well from the angle I was laying when I fell a sleep AND when the SP started I couldn’t see the time on the laptop cause my pillow was blocking it. Another wtf haha.
But yeah after my hand thing it was kinda comical I guess. Like I got jipped. Those were actually the only times I’ve ever tried to use one of those methods to wake up and look what happened haha.
SP is nothing more than an annoyance for me right now and if I have to live with it then I hope it stays like that. I’d rather NOT be on the ceiling looking at myself.
Ryan the controlled breathing thing is probably the best option if the wriggling the toe thing doesn’t work. I’ve never tried it but I do control my breathing because the last time I became frightened during SP it was because I couldn’t breath. Focus on breathing and everything will be +1 in my opinion.
Interesting article though. Don’t think I will buy the book though. Too much free info on the net.
Yo was up everybody, I just got one like an hour ago but this one freaked me out though cause I had my face on the pillow and it was harder for me to breathe. I can’t really say when these lil attacks started but I ve been having them for few years now I read that some people get them just couple times year, lucky I get them at least once month, and if I’m lucky twice. At first I used to be freaked out like everybody describe can’t move or yell for help like something is pulling me someone on top of my chest I talked to one person that went through what I went through and I was like cool, but know I read that theirs alot people that go through this I feel lil better like I said I was scared tonight so I did some research. Well hopefully it’s not none of this whole demon stuff like that I don’t ever recall I heard voice or seen anything and I hope I don’t it’s really really scary feeling, but over the years this what I have done to make this SP go by, when you notice this is happening just stay calm relax and talk to yourself tell yourself that you been here before, and you always come out of it then shortly after that my limps start getting lose and then I wake up, or pray that’s help me out too.
I have been having this happen to me for years and it happened last week so vividly I was scared too.. this is why I researched it tonight. I had never heard of sleep paralysis and I find it to make more sense than a ghost hugging on me .. Which is what I have thought for 20 years. I often feel as if someone is moving around on the bed during an episode and I would also think my cat had climbed into my bed. When I would wake up I could still feel the sensations of being touched on my skin. The one last week was really intense and I felt like I was being squeezed so hard I couldnt breathe or move ..
I have had these awful dream episodes where I am panicking, trying to wake up but feel something is keeping me from doing so, so that “it” can get me. I hate having these dreams. They’re terrifying and I wake up gasping, heart racing, terrified to fall back asleep. I plan to try one of the tips to wake up from sp.
The awful ones are where I am floating in the dark, I believe above my own body, and I am aware of something bad/evil being around or near me. I am frantically trying to get back to my body or stop floating but can’t and begin to panic. Would this be the same as sp? I am trying to wake up in this dream , I believe it’s the same as sp, because I am aware that it is a dream but so vivid that it’s terrifying. Also, when I do wake up, I am so frightened that something is actually in the bedroom still and become frightened all over again. I am not afraid normally but waking from this dream makes me afraid.
I was relieved to find so much information about this topic. Also, to find others sharing their personal experiences with it. I haven’t had one recently but hope to remember the information I found here. Thanks so much.
PS: I have always dreamed vividly – emotionally – and almost always can remember them sometimes with less detail. My husband says he doesn’t. I find this strange…
2 years ago when i was in severe stress and depression i suffered SP most nights for about 2 or 3 mins each time. The reason i would never panic is because i used to think i was dreaming, because of the fact i new i wasn’t paralysed realy, but, when i did research, and i found out it is real, i was like “woah” but the “dreams” were very strange as i would “wake up” in the same room, same position etc, but the scaryest bit is somtimes during an episode you can’t breathe, this is because when you wake somtimes the brain makes your lungs paralysed by mistake, this is by far worse because you feel like your gonna die but somtimes i am able to breathe which is no where near as bad and far less dangerous. Also when you cant breathe, the good thing is the discomfort and panic will break you out of it i only had it once this year but 2 years ago i was terrible with it!
Dude is it normal to experience this twice a row? its like this, after breaking free from sp im still sleepy minutes later im experiencing it again just as i close my eyes.
I really don’t know what to believe after reading everyones stories. I do know that it scares me to tears when I finally wake. I do have a system with my boyfriend, I breath heavy from my nose and he wakes me, but then I’m so frightened I cry and can’t talk about it right away, as if who ever did it can hear me. My issue is that I have other paranormal experiences that occurred in my home which makes me believe this truely is to real of an experience to be anything but real. I guess what I’m trying to say is its a damn ghost! I feel her press into me I feel her sit at the end of my bed. My boyfriend was going to video of me napping one afternoon because I was talking in my sleep but by accident he took a photograph and he captured thee most amazing photo of a full profile head to toe
ghost……that I had a paranormal investigator analyse. He (Rick, from DEATHANDROSESSINCITY) whom I trust knew what he and wife Michelle told me. Long story short there are spirits caught in this world are just lost so I believe that we are all being held down by spirits feeding off our weakness because in my experience its always when I’m exhausted and they know that I’m weak. Its like they need to feel dominant.
I will say though that I’m relieved I’m not crazy. That I’m not the only one that experiences this. I do still feel that I can never express in words how it is to feel so violated. As if your attacked over and over and can’t be protected. Its awful when you know that its coming and its going to happen and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it. God bless all of you that lay awake not able to scream or open your eyes, not strong enough to get what ever it is holding you down off of you. I now will add you to my prayers. I’m willing to try anything to make it stop. Thank you all of you for making me know I’m not alone!
I suffer from SP at least twice a month, and the best way I’ve found to awake from it, is by moving my lower back right above my butt. It usually kicks me out of the paralysis.
Hi… from as early as I can remember I have woken from my dreams to see a whole story happening before my eyes!… when I was little, just before going into sleep I used to see the wall in front of my eyes moving in and out really quickly, I would then immediately always have this dream where there was a magnified (thousands of times) a piece of thread trying to get through the eyes of a normal sized needle! even when I try and describe this now, it really goes through me! I now have sleep paralysis all the time, recently its been sometimes 3 times a week, the last waking visualisations I had was last year, when I thought my daughter was running around my bedroom, only to realise she had stayed at her dads the night before, I woke and there was a family stood at the end of my bed, which then fizzled in an almost tv frequency/beam me up scotty kind of way. I really do love some of the visualisations I see, but I really dont like the paralysis, but gives me a sense of relief that this is only a temporary moment on waking and not a permanent condition. Thanks for the tips above, I do use some of them, but I am going to try and not fight it now… Cheers
This is a very good list, I really like the one about thinking of someone who calms you; it sounds sweet first of all but I just never thought of that. The first experience I had was when I was maybe in high school the terror you feel especially when you don’t know what the heck it is–could be enough to scare a skeptic perhaps to believing in the paranormal. No worries folks, you’re not alone. I’m 22 now and get them very often still and I struggle and force myself awake-a painfully annoying and eerie process that feels like 15 minutes sometimes. Thanks again for the list–only one I’ve done is trying to move my limbs–but I’ve had some bizarre experiences of feeling my arms lift my torso but my eyes still see the view from my pillow Aka The Headless Body feeling. I get angry and scream and cuss in my head (lol.) and that works but being calm I admit works better-I’m going to copy this list–it’s cool in a way–like How To Survive The Monsters ;]
I just had one 🙁 but it seems like in the dream i had a little control of things but in my dream i had to do a mission in order for me to come back to this world it was really weird … i also found at times really hard to breathe felt like i was running out of breath.
Hi everyone, i’ve been reading all comments above, some being some crazy stories. I do feel better that SP seems to be so common. Last night i had one pretty bad i literally ran and crawled into my roommates bed. I have false awakenings plenty, and i must admit i did notice last night i realized it happens mostly on my back. Also, i thought about my own sleeping habits lately, ive been goin through midterms so sleep hadnt been an option lately, which may explain a lot. For everyone i’d think its important to consider if while we are experiencing these SP’s, are we sleep deprived…? Lack of sleep can cause our mind to play tricks on us. Also, being honest about our private life, especially if we induce drugs. Id like to believe that its not really a ghost. Although i do believe in ghost’s, and admit it is strange, and i guess coincidence, how calling out to God seems to help a lot of ppl if it were a demon.. But maybe its b/c there is a wide spread, normative perception that God conquers evil and that in itself is comforting, which in turn relaxes our body (one of ryans suggestions)? I donno, but i do think Ryan is right when he said that SP requires us to ask ourselves what we believe in. If u believe in ghost’s, then expect to see a ghost. I know last night when falling asleep i kept catching myself thinking about scary things such as ghosts and other forms of evil. I’m learning to monitor my thoughts while falling asleep. When i sleep alone i dont feel safe and am more vulnerable to SP, but when i sleep with my boyfriend i feel very safe and have never had it once. Something in the back of our minds determined by what is going on in our lives may have to do with the vilnerability we have to SP.
For the girl who said something about her evil dad, perhaps your being haunted by the evil memories of your father, maybe consulting a therapist would help to confront those memories and lead to a peaceful mind. And for ppl who have these sexually invasive SP experiences, i’d be curious to know if they’ve had similar real life experiences or even repressed memories of being raped or molested that they arent aware of, have a dear friend who has that their experience has affected them also, etc. I do not mean to offend anyone by trying to “analyze” but i equally seek an explanation for sleep paralyses, and i am just trying to cancel out the explanations that may lack validity. Which is why i believe in all cases we need to be open minded and honest. Take care and best of luck to all.
Hey Thanks I thought I was the only one sliding back into sleep paralysis. There even come a time when I keep being pulled back into sleep paralysis more than twenty times. When I woke up I fall asleep again, I can’t controll it I was so sleepy, until I had a very very long nightmare which woke me up completely and I decided not to sleep for a couple of hours.
I just woke up with this for the First time… I had slept normal until 2am and was up till 3 which is uncommon for me… Then I felt my head get heavy and I was relieved I was falling asleep. However, I fell into a series of probably at least 12 episodes. Almost repeating but different enough that each one I’d think I was finally awake. It was so awful and scary. I’m so glad I found this website or I may have thought I was losing my mind! Is ot common to just start later in life? I’m 26 and have never had any sleep issues in the past…
Hey Elizabeth,
It’s totally normal to have sp for the first time in your twenties. In these cases often stress and sleep habits are the triggers.
I had my first real sp. I saw Jesus on his knees and then I saw a picture of a demon(it looked to be a man with a messed up body yellow face the nose was very large) followed by demon. I felt like I was flying in the air(it felt so real) and that something was trying to take my soul but Jesus wouldnt let it… I dont want to go to sleep and I am a reck. Today I had another(during the day) and I just dont know what to do …I feel like I am going out of my mind…. I must say that I felt like I was all alone but I see other people have sp. I didnt even know what sp was until 30 mins ago…THANK YOU ALL from a mother of three. I dont even want to take a naps…I will keep calling on the name of Jesus because it works …
when i try to move i hear like a hising sound.the harder i try the loauder it gets on the back of my head.
Hey, i’m a 15 year old sufferer and have been experiencing sleep paralysis since about two years ago. i first had sleep paralysis during my vacation when i was on a boat in china, taking a nap. when i found out i couldn’t move a muscle, i thought i had fainted or something, and i eventually woke up, so i thought it was just my imagination and that it was not a big deal. until i got back home and experienced another paralysis. i was scared, but the fact that i could always snap out of it calmed me. and then on the third time i had sp, i hallucinated for the first time. i floated in the air, and i heard this noise, so i struggled. i tried to move. but instead i kept on flying higher and higher above my bed, and the noise kept on getting louder. and then i thought, that’s it. i’m going to consult google. that’s how i found out about sleep paralysis, and was really relieved when i knew that it was harmless. my second hallucination was about seeing a silhouette of a person. and then the third one was the worst one of all. i felt a hand on my chest and i opened my eyes a little. i couldn’t move. i saw a figure at the side of my bed, and it bent over me and breathed on my neck. the breath felt cold, and then i heard it chant something. after i relaxed and woke up, i immediately got up from my bed and walked to my study table. i did not dare to go back to bed, let alone go back to sleep. i could still feel the cold sensation on my neck, but when i touched it with my hand, all was normal. i also experienced dreaming while dreaming during the paralysis, and eventhough it was terrifying, i thought that it was very “inception”. i heard noises a lot of times. none of my friends had sleep paralysis before, so i don’t have anyone to talk about it. my last sleep paralysis was three nights ago, and i felt something on my chest, and i knew that something was there. it was not sitting down or putting pressure on my chest though. it just gave a tingling feeling. even so, i did not dare to open my eyes and just relaxed until it was over.
i found this site yesterday, and i found that it is very helpful. i’m definitely going to try some of the methods mentioned above. for the past two years i have had sleep paralysis 33 times (i kept a sorta journal) and decided that i really should figure out a way to snap out of the paralysis faster.
i have a few questions though:
-does speaking really work? i tried to call out to my sister once and ended up dreaming that i called out to her. that’s the dreaming while dreaming episode i mentioned earlier.
-if i had sleep paralysis and someone shook me, will it just make the paralysis worse or will it help me wake up?
-i tried avoiding supine positions, but the paralysis still came. curling to the left or right doesn’t work at all. and i definitely don’t want to try lying flat on my stomach for fear of the inability to breathe.
-sometimes i’m afraid that i’d forget to breathe. is it one of the side effects or is it just my feeling?
thank you for making this site. it has been really helpful 🙂
this hapenned to me once, I remember I had limited movement in my left arm, I heard what seemed to be police saying “arrest him”, i guess I was awake and hearing a dream that hadn’t ended properly before I woke up, so what I done I started gently tapping my left hand on my face and I gradually woke up.
I finally decided to read up on dreams because of everything that I have been going through. My co-workers make fun of me because I am late at least once a week because I cannot get up. I have such intense dreams that I cannot pull myself from them. There are even times I dream that I wake up and go through the process of getting dressed yet I never leave the bed. Also, I awake several times a week because my body will jump dramastically because I am dreaming I’m falling. Recently, I had a nightmare and my alarm went off, but I could not wake up. It wasn’t like other times. I felt like I had paralysis. I was in a horrible dream but could also hear my alarm and t.v. yet I could not move or speak, it was rather scary.
hey Jessica, yeah, that last one sounds like sleep paralysis. it can be frightening! We call those dreams where you think you’ve woken up “false awakenings.” I wrote more about them here:
Thank you for the response. I am going to check out the link that you sent me to learn more.
Thanks again 🙂
My boyfriend was sleeping and then all if a sudden he jumped up and was staring at me like he was really scared. He jumped up onto the floor and kept making a noice because he couldn’t talk. After the fact he said that he felt like he was being pulled. This went on for about 2 minutes. He jumped into my arms and i said we have to go see your mom and about 1 minute after he fully woke up. I was just wondering if anyone could tell me what this might be and if there is anyway to get rid of it. It scared us both and now we don’t want to sleep nor go back into the room. He also said that he feels like its gunna happen again. Advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
Jenna, I can’t be certain, but this sounds like a night terror, which is a special kind of nightmare that occurs when deep sleep intrudes into waking life. It’s a very different than sleep paralysis and ordinary scary dreams. Your may recognize more of the symptoms — and learn how to avoid the triggers for it happening again — here: http://dreamstudies.org/2010/11/05/night-terrors-pavor-nocturnus/
THANKS for the Tips.. 🙂 .. I had been experiencing this SP for so many years and I thought I was gonna die if didn’t fight for it.
It works but not all the time i have noticed that iT happens to me when no body is with me in the room or watching me it happend to me once in the living room when i fell asleep i tried screaming but couldnt then i heard my dad opend the door from his room and suddenly i could move
The best method i have found to wake myself up from SP is like the coughing method but instead i make a snoring sound. It works for me every time.
This SP almost take away my breathe, last year i was experiencing this event thrice or twice a month, not included at single day, Correct me if im wrong because sometimes when i fight it back after an half or a minutes its suddenly came back, and this event continue happens to me, my last experience was on february this year. For me that was the most horrifying SP i’ve ever had, im actually dreaming that night (i don’t remember what is it) Im not a stress or heart broken when that event happen, When SP strikes i think its 2:30 in the morning, I can’t breathe, i don’t know what to do and it’s very hard for me to break out as im actually did in past events, I feel drowning and my chest keep tightening like a 150lbs sitting on my chest, its very hard, until i calm down, i said to my self dont panic, so what i did is i close my eyes and i imagine im under the water and i can’t breath, and i throw some prayers, and eventually it releases to me. As of now i never experience it now.
When I get sleep paralysis it feels really good actually (appart from the feeling of an external presence in the room.) I think that now I know what it is and that it’s not dangerous I am looking forward to it happening again 🙂
Please please can somebody help me for the past 2 years Ive been dreading going to sleep because of what happens the more I read on hear the more I understand it all starts when I fall asleep it feels if there is a large man in the room and he sits on my back and he gets heavier and heavier until my heart is pounding and grasping for breath it’s like my mind is awake my eyes are closed and my body cannot move I have to try and pull my eye lids apart to wake up or wiggle one of my toes it is getting me down I can’t sleep after wards and I work long days j just want to know what causes this to happen in my sleep and what I can do so I can go to bed without worrying anymore 🙁 please HELP thanks for you time people kind regards
I’m 16 and I’ve had an SP nightmare at least once a month if not more for about a year and a half now. I always do #3 when I have SP nightmare. It takes a long time but it works. Honestly the hardest step for me to follow is #1. I have a fight instinct and its hard to ignore. I will definitely be following these steps next time! Thank you!
the more pray, the more it get stronger.. i just had SP nightmares 30 minutes and search it up.. and i found this. i never about it. i thought i was the only one.. i thought if i was crazy or something:(… non of this helps me:/ i tryed everything!!! someone help me please!!
From what I can remember this has happened to me about 4 times the last one being a couple of years ago. But its always the same I’m laying in bed absolutly engulfed in a fear thats seems to be paralyzing me. I can’t move the only thing that moves freely is my eyeballs but my eyelids arn’t open and there is just a presence at the foot of my bed I dont see it but it just feels soo real and I just know its pure evil. I try to look at it but I barley can open my eyes just for the slightest slit where the lashes meet but I’m terrified that it will see me. I never have gotten a look at it and dont really want to. I also have tried to move but its like I am sinking into my bed as if it was forming a mold around me but not completly around but almost.. The last one i had after i was laying there wanting it to go away so bad I started asking god to make it go away and he did. When the presence was gone i was able to jump otta bed and had to stand for a minute with the light on.. As i read some of the responses on here its weird how people feel that evilness that I feel. It really is the most frightening feeling that i have ever felt and I’m glad this hasn’t happened in a couple of years nor do i want it to come back. But I really think that there is a war for your soul after experiencing this type of thing. Since then I would like to believe I have grown closer to God through jesus and at the times of this “SP” happening I had a weak christian soul and was walking the path i should have been but we all make mistakes.. To all those that are suffering when your laying there and can’t move dont fight it just ask for jesus/gods help and youl’ll pull through..
hey i dont think it was a “sp” episode but im not quite sure.
i was having a random dream which i didnt like so i forced myself to wake up as i do nearly every dream im getting hurt in 😛 but as i was waking up i couldn’t move anything and it felt as if someone was pushing down on my chest. i could hardly breathe and started to cry, in my mind i as thinking to myself why the hell am i crying? i couldnt feel or see anything because my eyes were half shut. i finally awoke by the feeling of my left arm punch through the pressure on my chest.
could this be SP ? could somone reply please. Thanks 🙂
hey Jordan, yeah that sounds like SP. it’s commonly felt in the transition between a dream and awakening just as you described. The emotional response you had in SP is interesting. just like as in dreams, “the door with the most pressure behind it opens first.” could be an opportunity to touch some sadness that the dream brought up. “random” dreams often have that effect.
The description of SP and the accompanying symptoms of feeling of a presence hostile or force makes me wonder.
Why is there such a focus on what happens in ones mind while it happens rather than before?
In trying to make causal connections my experience I think I narrowed it down a bit.
The more I entertain thoughts about themes, images, knowledge of the occult the more wicked my dreams become and a the more frequent my CP.
I can obsessively study programming languages all day, focus on just about anything to any extent and sleep with out incidence.
Conversely I can increase my likelihood of having CP to nearly 100% by reading occult books, listening to occult music and feeling negative in general.
I will have wicked dreams first which will most likely result in me waking up unable to move with usually some feeling sight and or hearing of something that comes across hostile and malevolent.
Funny thing is I dont fear it anymore and I almost want to know more about it just like i do the occult. Science good like trying to explain it. I know we create our own realities to a certain extent and the funny thing is as far as these demons are concern either we are creating the same reality or we so happen to actually be in it. What do you think?
And to Ryan… Have you actually experience this CP for yourself?
Also saying in your sleep while paralysis is occurring in the Arabic language “there is no God but Allah, and Muhamad is his messenger” I swear it works on impact fast hope this helps out.
My first experience with sleep paralysis was 30 years ago when I was a 20-year-old college student. I have had SP sporadically over the years but have learned to control it. Ryan’s suggestions on avoiding caffeine and a regular sleep schedule are very accurate.
After each episode I would evaluate what was different about my day or the hours leading up to bedtime. Caffeinated soda pop is a real trigger for me, and colas seem to be the worst. I also avoid eating anything for at least two hours before I go to bed. Stress and not getting enough sleep also cause me problems.
I had an episode tonight, which leads me to this site. I have had a bad cold the last three days and I believe a combination of poor sleep and possibly over the counter sinus medication may have been the cause.
I have always been a dreamer and actually enjoy dreaming, but sleep paralysis still freaks me out. I appreciate the tips on waking myself up and will write them down. Thanks for the information!
thanks Jim for you sharing your tips and experiences.
that just happened to me a few hours ago. it has happened to me several times now and its an awful feeling. it literally freaked me out. I could barely open my eyes. all i did was tried to make noise with my throat and move my feet but it didnt work. now i afraid to go to sleep.
next time Karen find a way to relax yourself and feel safe again — reading a favorite book, music, a bath, etc. If you stay up all night ironically you can increase the likelihood it will happen again because SP can be induced through sleep deprivation.
Hey guys i think this is happening to me but im not sure here’s wat happens it usally starts when i try to get to sleep its like im in a dream except i can hear i cant move my body but i try to get on of my limbs over the side of the bed this seems to break it do i have sp?
sounds like SP to me Tim. don’t worry, it’s not a dangerous condition, just a sleep symptom.
Yeah I had it as a kid but it gets more regular now when ive like skipped a night and then the next night tired as I full into a deep sleep and experience it. I can move in it but slowly like some force or like gravity is holding me down a bit I can talk a bit but with little sound. The only things I see is like static from a tv around me and one time the only noises I heard where like cave men talking around me like gibberish wasnt scary rather funny actually then someone repeating the word “opps” over and over like they hurt themselfs. I dont be leave anything evil is around I get scared only because I cant move properly. One thing weird that happened to me and it be leave its a out of body experience I feel into a deep sleep and could move freely in the air like I left myself it was actually rather cool but then I wake up instantly feeling as if it never happend. This thing doesnt scare me now I just wake up from it and sometimes fall back into it but ive learnt to just accept it im a very happy positive person so it isnt affecting me I have friends etc and have a good time always! Dont let it scare you. Its your body be strong be happy and always think of the light because it will light up the darkness.
hey everyone! ive been reading some of ur comments& all though it sucks that you go through this as well im kind of happy im not the only one. its only happened to mee a couple times & the feelin is bad. its an ugly feelin not being able to move or scream. the best thing that works for mee is praying. at first i believed it was a spirit or something bad, so i got up to look for what can be the reason and i found ur website which made mee feel a little more at ease. i suggest for anyone that goes through this, pray. i really think it helps.
Hi Ryan,
I’ve had sleep paralysis since I was a kid. i didn’t know what it was till I was 20 in college and met someone who had it and knew the name for it. I also have always been interested in meditation and yoga.
I always force myself to pull out of it as it’s so terrifying. I find it very difficult to pull out of it though- I can’t wiggle my body and eventually it seems after 5 minutes or 10 minutes I can open my eyes but my heart is racing. My friend said that she knows a few people with sleep paralysis and they too always pull out of it and no one wants to sink back into sleep- it feels like it will be death. Maybe it isn’t though! The worst thing is when you pull yourself out of it and then 2 seconds later it happens all over again!!
I have found that having tryptophane often makes it occur- ie if i take tryptophane in pills or have it via bananas or turkey breast before sleep. I know it is for sleep but maybe it increases the paralysis part. Also, this may seem odd but I am an air sign and many of those who have it that I’ve met are air signs too.