This is a great dream studies even hosted online by the International Association for the Study of Dreams. September 21 through October 5, 2008. Two weeks of online presentations about some of the more fringe aspects of dream research, including psi research, lucid dreaming, ancestor dreams, dreaming & archaeology, and dreaming & the afterlife.
This not a stuffy, abstract conference but a dynamic and welcoming discussion for everyone who is passionate about dreams. This is Dreaming 2.0. And it’s only $25 (US) for students.
I don’t do a lot of “hawking” on this blog but I really stand behind this group of dreamers. Join us if you can! I”m going to be presenting some of my experiences of lucid dreaming from my MA thesis.
Amazing! This looks fantastic!!! I think I will have to cough up the $40 for this. If anything, I can justify it with: “just think of all the blogging material & ideas it will give me.” 🙂
Thanks for sharing. This is such a cool event, I might cross-post it on my blog.
Yeah, more blogging material. I’m still working through everything I experienced in Montreal a month ago!
This sounds really interesting. I might just participate, I haven’t really heard of conferences like this before – heck, I haven’t even been to a real life dream conference.