Welcome to part III of my series Lucid Nightmares.
Many of us were introduced to lucid dreaming spontaneously when we found ourselves in the middle of a disturbing dream. What a wake up call!
Surprisingly, even though lucid nightmares are quite natural, we still do not know much about them. That’s because we usually wield lucidity as a tool, not an exploratory attitude. So we change the nature of the dream through conscious choice, making after-the-fact analysis difficult. But this much is for sure: lucid dreaming can be an effective strategy for banishing repetitive nightmares.
The Sacred No
Banishing nightmares is an important skill because the practice develops our strength and courage in the dream. This is what Nietzsche called the “Sacred No.” The dream ego can stand up to a menacing force and refuse to go along with the narrative. We can choose to transform the monster into something less threatening. Or we can simply walk away, or wake up from the dream. This is how I first dealt with my lucid nightmares. I was emboldened, and those particular nightmares went away.
Clinical studies in the 1990s that explored lucidity as a nightmare treatment report positive results. According to psychiatrists Ernest Hartmann and Frank Galvin, the lucid dreamers “felt their encounters to be enriching and empowering experiences both during and after their dreams.” One of the assumptions that empowered the dreamers is the idea that “this is only a dream; I am safe here; nothing can hurt me.”
In my later development of lucid dreaming, I began to question this assumption, especially after a new round of lucid nightmares came back. And this time, they would not take “no” for an answer.
Taboos against the Dark Side
This is the dark side of lucidity, and it is not discussed much in public. Yet many dreamers I talk to in private admit that sometimes trying to “conquer” their dreams only leads to more trouble. They don’t share these experiences in lucid dreaming forums because of the fear of social ostracism, that they are not “good” lucid dreamers.
Take my word for it, these experiences are a normal part of the learning curve. This class of nightmares seems not to be merely reflections of fear, but to have an autonomous energy all its own. There is intelligence in the eyes of the dream figures, and they don’t like to be told that they are a symbol of some waking-life fear, or that they are not “real.” They have their own story to tell, but we often don’t know how to listen….yet.
Dark experiences in lucid dreams can be found in some of the classic literature. For instance, Frederick van Eeden, the 19th century philosopher who coined the term “lucid dream,” writes that his lucid-control dreams are often followed inexplicably by “demon dreams.” He does not elaborate anywhere in his writings, leaving us only with that haunting phrase.
More recently, psychologist Scott Sparrow writes that at the height of his experimentation with lucid dreams, “all kinds of angry people began showing up in my dreams, and turning rather demonic to boot.” So here we have two experts, separated by a century and a half, noticing a correlation between controlling their lucid dreams and the appearance of “demons” and angry dream figures. This may be why lucid dreams have been labeled as “Satanic” from various Christian sources, and why the label has stuck despite all the evidence that lucid dreams can delve into transpersonal “Godly” experiences too.
This taboo against frightening lucid dreams and the private initiations that follow is why these dreams are under-reported in the literature. In Western psycho-spirituality, having a negative experience is considered a moral failure. In other cultures, this is not the case. For instance, in Tibetan Buddhism, deities have both peaceful and wrathful natures. And in many shamanic cultures, facing painful and terrifying ordeals in dreams is part of the journey towards the other realm, where ancestors and knowledge await.
Christianity and the Dark Night of the Soul
Actually, some Christian mystics have some pretty terrifying visions that sound a lot like lucid nightmares too, especially Teresa of Avila and Hildegaard of Bingen. And of course Dark Night of the Soul is a classic 16th century work by St John of the Cross that illustrates how delving into the unknown is an important part of psychological development and spiritual growth. So the tradition can be found in Western culture, although it is not mainstream.
This is just to say that the usual Western way of dealing with frightening imagery is not to rever it, but to push it away, back into the shadows. However, the shadows thrive in the dreamworld, and beginner lucid dreamers often unwittingly enter this cognitive landscape ill-prepared because our culture has only laid down half of the rules.
Some may be turned off by my focus on the spiritual elements of lucid dreaming. I certainly don’t think you need to be religious to develop your lucid dreaming skills. I was raised as a humanist. However, part of the process of dealing with lucid nightmares involves taking a look at your belief system – whether you are a Christian, a Buddhist, a follower of Odin, or an existentialist. The more you understand what you truly believe about this world – and the dreamworld – the better you will be able to navigate these fascinating and disturbing opportunities.
This article is an excerpt from my ebook Big Dreams, Lucid Dreams and Borderlands of Consciousness (Dream Like a Boss Book 2).
i had a dream jus a few minutes ago, where i was back in my old town. and long story short, i was told [by something evil that took the form on my father, which i dont talk to much] to meet him at night or something, or to give him something. and i didnt. and creeped out of the darkness with a knife to my throat. alot of stuff happened, but i cant remember the details. anyhow, i had a gaurdian in the dream, yet it was up to me to make my decision—; “the darkside”, or “the light”..
lately i have been channeling alot of my dark energies, and i am quite fond of the darkness, even tho i am defined light. like this message i recieved through aim, from a friend who claims he didnt write it, it was writtin in some sort of ancient language that cant be typed on a keyboard. and it was deciphered into the sentence; “to darkness, yet light, good you are “smile”… kid”
anyways, i am pretty sure my darkside was trying to consume me, and i chose the light. and banished the nightmare. in the end, im looking at myself in the mirror. and the flow of the dream, enters darkness, and i begin to appear in black clothes with an evil look. but then i change the flow, and the darkness fades into light begind me from the clouds. and i appear to be wearing white clothes with the light behind my hair.. i think i have overcome my darkside. but its not the end. for i choose to keep this darkness somewhere inside me. for i must go dark flow in times where light flow cant surpass the sitchuation….
thanks for telling your story, Drew. sounds like a potent mix: a murderous father, dark alleys, and magic mirrors. All these experiences have the calling card of “initiation” to them. I wonder, what is the gift not given? In the Wiccan tradition (drawing from your myspace page here!), darkness and light need to be balanced (whereas in Christianity darkness is supposed to be banished outright), so this dream reflects not only that you’re on the path of balance, but it perhaps also indicates where the next need for balance waits.
I was just woke up by a dream like i had never had before. I am a pegan and believe that at night your mind is open to attacks when you are asleep. In turn my dream was of me and some friends,including my ex/bestfriend/love of my life all hanging out at my house. Well everything was going fine and then it got dark and it was just me and my ex in the house alone. Me and him got into an argument cause i wanted him to stay but he wanted to go home with some girl he didnt even know and i was trying to stop him from making a mistake cause i knew he didnt really want to. Anyways i screwed up while i was yelling at him and called him my other ex,tyler, and then my sisters no good ex,jason. I felt really bad about it and i started crying. When we looked outside his dad was outside and so he started yelling at me more cause his dad heard everything. When i told him i was sorry again and that i loved him with all my heart and soul he grabbed a knife slit my wrist and throat. Right after that was when i woke up. when i looked at my wrists i had three cuts and one long one…and a red mark on my neck…the long cut looked like it had already healed as well as the one on my neck but the 3 seperate ones still looked new. I know no physical person did it cause i lock my door and like i said i am a pegan and no that no pegan would mess with my head like this. I dont know how to stop it…i have tried spells before to block them but not for ones this powerful
Krystle, this experience is out of area of expertise, but here’s some leads: first and foremost, this may be a neurological symptom of a sleep disorder in which self-harm is possible during REM sleep. see this article about a wide class of “parasomnias”: http://www.sleepfoundation.org/site/c.huIXKjM0IxF/b.3043249/k.21A0/Ask_the_Sleep_Expert_Sleep_and_Parasomnias.htm
and here’s another article about acting out in dreams including self-harm: http://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/rem-sleep-behavior-disorder
If you don’t usually have sleep problems, don’t worry, often they spring up suddenly from stress and can be managed by getting more sleep, and learning how to deal with life stress in general. (Cut back on caffeine, recreational drugs, alcohol before bed too). Also, parasomnias are rarely linked with a psychiatric condition aka you’re not crazy, this is normal, this happens sometimes….
That being said, the content of that nightmare may also reveal areas in waking life that need to be addressed, such as how can you feel safer around issues of intimacy? Working with these emotions and letting them see the light of day can reduce your stress levels too.
Also, addressing paganism: the belief that you may be harmed during sleep may be an invitation to be harmed (beliefs can become expectations so easily) so another thing to explore may be to focus on how to stay safe during sleep, and how to ask for help from the pagan community, allies and friends.
Feel free to PM me if you want to continue the conversation.
How interesting.
Six or seven years ago I read Castaneda’s “The Art Of Dreaming”, and experimented with lucid dreaming. Very soon after, I started having dreams of myself in a strange city with broken buildings, surrounded by crazy, angry people.
One night I was dreaming that I was pregnant with a demon, that was made out of cracked clay with really big feet, and kept saying evil things. Another night it would be a large toad/dinosaur looking demon, with three feet and a rattlesnake tail, poisoning me. I’ve been having chronic nightmares like this for the past six/seven years. Last night I was chased by a witch/demon with hooves. I’m not really sure what to believe. Whether it’s something deep in my subconscious, or whether these really are actual spirit entities that are attacking me in my sleep.
I run the website http://www.World-of-Lucid-Dreaming.com and sometimes people write to me with their lucid nightmares. I feel particularly bad for beginners who are put off the idea of lucidity together. It’s strange because I have been lucid dreaming for 11 years now and never experienced a true lucid nightmare myself. I have had normal nightmares in which I became lucid and changed the theme; and vivid or lucid dreams which showed me horrible images but which never produced any fear, only curiosity. Without sharing their experience there’s not much advice I can give. So this article is very helpful – thank you.
Dugan I need some help to get rid of these dark dreams
Holly I just PMed you. for everyone else, I’m currently working on a report to help with reducing nightmares and more generally to help with getting started with dream work. coming soon..
Hi, I hope I dont bombard you with too many questions.
The first one: Is this a lucid dream. First off let me say I do no drugs, drink, or nothing. Let me say I’m an ecclectic Pagan for a year and 4 mos. I grew up Christian but denounced it in my 20s. (No offence.) I was supposed to my rituals daily, but skipped a day due to a severe toothache. I took a pill to ease the pain, went to sleep. Suddenly, I could tell I was sleeping, but at the same time, I was aware of my bedroom, the blankets I was under, everything in my room. I seen this bluish, whitish big light shining thru my window. It was like I automatically sat up my upper body. I was a little intimidated because even though I was aware of everything, I couldn’t control hardly my emotions or movements. Anyway, I was super calm. Like a peace I never felt before. So I acknowledged the light with praise and the voice, which was soft but clear, acknowledged me back. While I was in this state of mind,the tootheache was nonexistent. I laughed. The laughter was so genuine. Not the type you have when a joke is told, or when someone says something nice to you, it was just, I dunno, natural feeling. The stupid thing about it is I was still a little intimidated and had control of laying myself sideways. After I woke up. Note: I thought it was a hallucinagen I took. So I took the hallucinagen again to ease tooth pain about 7 months ago. Nothing happened. No dream. Nothing. Before you say I got issues, I wanted to share this with people because I’m tired of having it in my head. And perhaps, someone can give more light concerning this.
Thank you
Thomas, what a gift of a dream. thanks for sharing it. light in lucid dreams is one of the most holy things you can experience, no matter your belief system. Buddhists, Christians, pagans, Hindus, Sufis all have a long history of blessing dreams such as this. if you are interested in research concerning lucid dreams and the experience of light, and especially the “fullness of light” that comes with that “inner calm”, I recommend the work of George Gillespie. http://dreamtalk.hypermart.net/member/files/george_gillespie.html
in regards to the pill, it sounds like it allowed you to move straight from waking into lucid awareness. rather than interpreting the event as an out-of-body experience, or a false awakening, you seem to be quite comfortable with spontaneous visions. in my opinion, this is a fruit of your waking life ritual work.
I’ve been having strange dreams for a couple of years now, but I’d really like for them to stop as Im terribly afraid of them, one night i was sound asleep and i suddenly opened my eyes to see a beam of light racing towards me i layed my head back down and the light hit my ear and i felt it pop.. i opened my eyes again to a dark shadow nearing my face and I naturally began to pray, im of catholic faith but hardly practice it no offense … I was conscious of my surroundings but felt no control til a few minutes later and i fell back to sleep, ever since then I have horrible nightmares about demonic figures and spirits and sometimes they are people i love who become these!!, Now i am pregnant with my first child and I had a nightmare and woke up to my heart racing and i was shaking terribly my question is, is there a possibility that I could harm myself during one of these dreams? anything wld help thanks:)
Steph, from what you wrote here I don’t think you need to worry about harming yourself during nightmares. In fact, in dreaming sleep when most nightmares occur (REM sleep) the voluntary muscles are essentially paralyzed. the “dreams” you mention sound like the occur at the threshold of sleep and wakefulness; they may be hypnagogic in nature. read this article to see if you can relate: http://dreamstudies.org/2010/12/10/hypnagogic-dreams-and-imagery/
if you cannot move when you see things in the bedroom, that may be hypnagogia with sleep paralysis: http://dreamstudies.org/2010/01/22/sleep-paralysis-treatment-wake-up-cant-move/
hi, similar to you thomas ive had somehwhat that type of lucid dreaming that you have experienced but not in that good sense. ive had it for a couple years now and its always been the same but in a way worse everytime. i get it maybe once or twice a week and i have no idea why. what happens is i fall asleep and just like you im totally aware that iam asleep and of my sorroundings being in my bedroom lying down, on my couch, wherever iam sleeping at the moment. i also cant control my voice, emotions or movements unless i try really hard. they always persist in someone being next to me and me being able to sense them, a couple times the person would grab me and i know that their hand is on me and i somehow force myself to wake up by trying to move my body and whatnot.
the very last one i had i was sleeeping on my couch and just like all my other dreams i knew i was sleeping and could feel two hand coming around me from underneath the couch, while this was happening i could feel or sense my brother walking by me . in my dream as i could sense him walk by, with all my strength i somehow hit him with my arm and he told me to piss off and shook me awake. right when he woke me up i thanked him because of the lucid nightmare i was having.
im not sure why i get these dreams either and they’re very disturbing and i have no idea how to get rid of them.
thanks for telling your story, kc. sounds like full-blown sleep paralysis complete with visitation. check out http://dreamstudies.org/2007/10/22/night-terrors-aka-sleep-paralysis/ there’s some resources at the end of the article for dealing with these kinds of nightmares.
Van Eeden: “Only I would maintain that it is not my mind that is responsible for all the horrors and errors of dream-life. To say that nobody is responsible for them will not do, for there is absolute evidence in them of some thought and intention, however depraved and low. A trick, a deceit, a symbol, cannot be without some sort of thought and intention. To put it all down to “unconsciousness” is very convenient; but then I say that it is just as scientific to use the names Beelzebub, or Belial. I, for one, do not believe in “unconsciousness” any more than in Santa Claus.”
great quote from the vault! he’s got a point, and James Hillman makes a similar point in his classic “Dreams and the Underworld.” To say something is not conscious does not really tell us anything, only that we’ve thrown it into the heap of things we don’t have access to.
Hi recently I had a lucid dream about defeating something evil,in fact many of them. I was also in the presense of others who ended up dying to the spirits. It was pitch black darkness , we were holding weapons , and in a enclosed building of some sort . I felt sadness in those who died as if it was real . And only when I defeated them did I find the way out of the building. Please tell me what it all means , It was’nt terrifying but it is kind of weird.
I woke up from a nightmare this morning. To be honest this is how it all went. before i went to sleep (and had the nightmare) i was partying (im in college) and, well, i got drunk. Anyway, however, i made it back home and felt more sober. I had a small snack to sober up more and went to bed. Once in bed i listened to some classic music (i love it) and eventually turned off my ipod and knocked out (around 3:20am). I don’t exactly rememeber the beginning of my dream but I do recall the last part of the dream (which turned into a nightmare). So I was somwhere like a parking lot and it was raining outside. It seemed to be some sort of tailgate party and people were bbq-ing and just drinking and whatnot. I even saw my favorite professor walking by. All the sudden i was informed by someone (in my dream) that my dad was here and he was looking for me to talk…it was a big deal since he lives 6 hrs away. Anyway, it starts raining more and then all the sudden i see my dad walking towards me and well we start talking and it all leads up to my dad talking about me focusing in school and how he didnt “recommend” drinking anymore…im not an alcoholic so idk what he meant, Anyway, when my dad was talking to me i felt this comfort and protection from him, after all he is my dad. ok. this is where the nightmare starts. All the sudden, idk how, my dad and I end up in this bathroom where a girl who seems hospitalized with some white sheets is looking through a cabinet for something, she takes out listerine bottle and then a flower pot with only stems of flowers. its really weird though since thousands of stems fall from that flower pot and all the sudden theres a pool of water below us. the girl was then yelling “it hurts, it hurts”. idk what she meant by that. the scary part comes next. all the sudden my dad and i appear in a random room and we see this person lying down in bed, the room is dark, but all the sudden theres these crickets that have a rather scary feel and they grow in size. then out of nowhere a boy is throwing basketballs in the room and he turns around and has like a hole through his back (as if shot with a shotgun) and its so weird because there seems to be some blue light following the boy. what is weird is that this part of the dream had a really creepy feel to it. if you were to hear the song Aquarius by the 5th Dimension, th efirst part of the song with the eerie feel is how i can describe the dream.. it felt scary. back to the dream…staring at the boy, the crickets, and the room, my dad tells me somethign like “see what i mean” and all the sudden i hear a loud hiss and it seems like a massive king snake bites me from behind. at that point i wake up yelling…. and that was the nightmare. it was really scary and thats because im a guy. idk what it meant but it is really bugging me now.
I have been having awful dreams of demonic figures chasing me last night i dreams of being attacked and bitten by a dog and woke up scared with the hairs standing up on my body- i always sense someone is watchinh me in a bad way i feel someone touch me at night and i even had dreams of seeing semons and speaking i a weird language,,,, help!!!!
those are creepy dreams indeed, Raymond. Read through this post series and you’ll find tips and practices for combating nightmares in the last post of the series.
has no1 ever had any good lucid dreams? i hav lucid dreams all the time, is tht normal? i can fly in them n walk about n talk2 people n all sorts. i was told2never talk2any1in a lucid dream coz aparntly if u do ur actualy talkin2demons is this true? wen my lucid dreams r bad i can instantly make them good or wake up. however wen i was between 5yearsold n 10 i had nightmares all the time n was unable 2control them. i am now21 n hav been able 2control ma dreams since i was 10ish. i only learnt bout lucid dreams early this year. can u give me more information aswell as answerin my questions please. demons hav appeared in alot of my dreams 2 n i always end up fighting them2try n to defeat them, or sometimes it goes wrong n i wake myself up. i hav never found them frightning tho, only exciting or extremely weird.
great to hear you are a frequent lucid dreamer – lucky you! it’s actually very common for lucid dreams to be mostly pleasant and exciting – that is the norm. read my intro about lucid dreams here that talks about these possibilities: http://dreamstudies.org/2009/09/02/what-is-lucid-dreaming
fighting demons or wrestling with monsters or attackers is a common dream theme as well. if you find yourself getting ready for battle and realize you’re dreaming, I recommend asking the attacker what he or she wants. you may be surprised at what happens next….
I just woke up from a dream that made me scream a bloodcurdling scream that shook the rafters(according to my boyfriend) This dream has a basic recurring theme. Something dark and sinister is all around me. Either chasing me or attacking me. It rarely manifests itself in the form of something or someone else, but this time, it pretended to be my grandmother on the telephone. It drew me out of my room and into my car and began whispering something as it wrapped its hands around my neck. I knew it was bad and I had to wake up..so I screamed. Any ideas what this is all about?
Hi Lisa, that is a terrifying dream! I really can’t tell you anything about this dream in particular, but its classic theme seems to be around fears of interaction (being chased) and in particular fears of communication (the phone). A good follow up question would be about the nature of your relationship to your grandmother (ie did she have to “pursue” a relationship with you or vice versa) and also your boyfriend (how is communication with him right now – and are there feelings that resemble your feelings towards your grandmother?). As always, these thoughts are merely a projection of my life onto yours, and may say as much about my world as your own! Such is the nature of dreamwork….
A few years ago, I was afraid of a video game character by the name of “tails doll”. I would have nightmares constantly about this, but one night I had a worse nightmare. During that nightmare, it would try to kill me and chase me. It had full control of the dream. At one point during the dream I found a black & white comic book that told a story of how the doll came to be and how it turned on its creator. After I saw that, the doll caught me and was about to devour my soul. When I was sure I was going to die, two imaginary characters I made up when I was a kid appeared. When they appeared, the doll started screaming in agony and I became much stronger. The dream ended after that. I haven’t had another nightmare like that again. The strangest part was that I didn’t wake up during the nightmare like I would normally do.
Thank you for this insightful website. I was troubled over a dream i had which initially began with me traveling very swiftly thru a series of tunnels until i became so frightened of the speed that I told myself to “wake up”. When I did I found myself hovering over my bed, looking down at my sleeping body and was aware that I was lucid. After that, I found myself going back through the tunnels and encountered in the shadows a dark figure. I remember attempting to “psychically” lure this figure toward me, with sexual intentions, only to find myself face to face with a frightening looking woman with wild black hair who stared at me menacingly. I got the feeling that I was not as in control of my dream, or the figures in it and I found myself fleeing and floating up horizontally. I wondered after waking if this was merely my own fear creating this or if if something else was occurring.
i had a dream where demons didnt know what body they wanted to enter… they threw everyone i know even the animals but the one person they wanted was my four yr old i instinly woke up at 315 and couldnt go back to sleep till like 6 i have no idea what it ment but i know i didnt want anything like that to happen to my little girl… the next night i slept with the tv on to help me sleep it didnt help me sleep i had more then one nightmare…. i just didnt remember them fully… i know they were dark but that all what does this mean???
I had a lucid dream where I met a very handsome satan and his entourage of beautiful demons. I was told that it was a privilege for satan to contact me personally in this way. I was completely lucid, and upon our meeting, I consciously chose to change my lucid dream to show my power over satan. I thought to myself, “I believe his arm is pink.” Satan replied to me, “Pink huh?” as his entourage laughed. Satan then tried to “kill” my soul. Although I could not change the dream, and satan’s power seemed certain, he did not succeed because I showed no fear whatsoever. Basically, “do your worst.” For this, satan respected me, and I him. I awoke, and wanted so badly to go back and talk to satan that I immediately fell back into this lucid dream. And by “lucid” I mean completely, completely aware of my surroundings and the fact that I was talking to the spirit of satan himself. For the remainder of the dream, satan was much like a father figure to me. I looked up to him. Has anyone else had a similiar experience? I would love for someone to post their thoughts on this. Thank you.
thanks everyone for telling these beautiful and haunting tales. I’m no longer offering dream interpretations in comments: it’s just not a safe container — and some commentors have been burned when their creepy dreams show up in google search under their name. If you are interested in working on your dreams with me and other professional dream workers, check out the Dream Tribe.
That said, Colin, I think your dream shows excellent poise the part of your lucid ego. Satan could be seen to represent your deepening understanding of authority figures. And mythologically speaking, the ole boy is a fallen angel. He’s prideful, not evil. Important characteristics to consider!
Lastnight i had this dream about this young boy at the end of this road, that kept on calling me to him. He was demonic although i felt innocence & peace as well, but when i would get closer the feeling would scare me & cause me to want to run. So i did, and the dream felt so real i would walk home and contemplate in my mind how i was going to be able to go to sleep. Sooner or later i fell asleep but i woke up from another nightmare of the child once again. So in my dream i decided to ask my father if he knew about the child. Right away he began to tell me not to go near him, he was sort of liek the guardian in my dream. He began to tell me stories about this child and he demonstrated this whistle that the little boy does to call me near him. That night[ in my dream ] i was walking down the street and once again this 7 year old brown haired caucasian boy began to whistle at me. It was a piercing whistle and he held his hand out.The whistle sounded just how it does when your ears ring, although it wouldnt stop, it would start out as a whistle then went to that sound.
Months before this dream i had another where i came out of this country house and a man sitting in a rocking chair, with a straw hat and overals. Repeadedly told me to run. He would say” you better ruun, she gon’ get you” and i quickly looked up and kept asking him what it was that i had to run from. When i looked up there were trees and a small forest surrounding a lake. My vision quickly zoomed into the lake and i was looking at the dock when a pale white/ red hand reached out and grabbed it. Soon after a foot came up and stomped onto the dock and then the rest of her came out. She was standing there at the age of about 7 or 8 once again.. with long black hair and wore a white wripped tshirt. Terrified i stood when she turned her head and her eyes met with mine. In the background i could hear the man on the porch cocking his gun and still [screaming] saying that i needed to run. Quickly i retreaded into this old ancient home and his in the nearest closet i could find. I could hear the shots being fired, although it sounded as if they hadent worked. So i waited, and one i heard the man stop talking i knew she had gotten in. Standing silently in the cloet[which was lieka food cabinet] i could hear her creeping through the house, gasping for air she ran to the door. I then backed up and she was standing right behind me, so i turned around and she just stood and stared at me. Screaming out”what do you want from me!?” the little girl went to speak but she just screamed at the top of her lungs, and turned into a black orb that spun up in the air and created an O and kept moving around constantly, when i moved forward it began to bark and dogs with red eyes would come out of it and bite at me but not harm me. I kept asking the same question although it wouldnt reply, and just kept barking and moving in that circle. After about 5 seconds it returned to the little girls shape and the piercing ringing began to play in my ears and the girl turned to ashes& i woke up…
Please tell me what this means..
Thank you for acknowledging the shadow of lucid dreaming may be a control fantasy. I find the self-consciousness of lucid dreaming can often be enough to interfere with the natural self-balancing and reflective functions of the psyche. I believe this was Jung’s sensibility also.
this is a haunting dream with some incredible potentila for self-knowledge, but as I’ve suggested above I am not offering dream interpretation through comments anymore. However, I can say you are on the right track of asking the little girl what she wants. keep asking.
Jeremiah, yeah, I have trouble with the mass perception of lucid dreaming as control – and while I’m not sure if it’s damaging, I do think it is wasting an excellent opportunity to listen. Here’s more about my thoughts of the popular culture of lucid dreaming and how it unconsciously mirrors the language of colonialism:
I had a dream about 10 minutes ago and I could see myself walking into a house when I got in there was 2 dead people in the bathroom of the house and there sat a very beutiful women and I loved her from the first sight. I asked her for her number and she said no but you can have this and kissed me then it went black then i was standing in the livingroom of the house and there were two people standing there then they turned into demons and the beutiful girl I fell In love with was sitting there as the demons were moving too me
I keep having something happen to me while sleeping. Im not the best at remembering my dreams unless its lucid. Any way last night was the sixth time this has happened. I fell asleep around midnight had a dream of old friends then all of a sudden im in my bed and feel something pulling on me. I try to look behind me and all I can see is like dark blue wavey almost like clothing over me shoulder. I hear this deep weird voice speak some other language and start pullin me harder. I grab an arm and started squeezing the hell out of it to the point I remember think I hope this isnt my girlfriends arm. I cant speak very easy when im dreaming but I was pissed enough to mutter back the f off me and woke up with actual forward momentum almost falling off the bed. This was the worst one yet. Luckily it wasnt my girl friends arm i was crushing. Any how any insight would be great.
Sorry for my english, lost a bit of it.
Hi, first of all, I’d like to say I’m not sure if i’m at the right place for my question. I’ll explain what happened to me: first of all, I’ve been experiencing sleep paralysis the last 6 month’s but last night really scared me. I have to say I saw a show on TV with a guy talking about parallel universes and UFO that really took my curiousity.. so I migth have been paving unconsciously the way to my experience. Here goes: I went to sleep just ok and got woke up around 4h30. I tried to sleep and got some around 5h30 after thinking about universes and so on… but had a dream about nuclear explosions going off. Needless to say I woke up suddenly. Then I went dozing off, (I guess this is where the sleep paralysis kicks in) but got woke up again and I find myself sitting (still in sleeping position) on my bed. Suddenly, the room just starts to go black even tough my eyes are open (just kind of fadded) and I find myself being swept back on my back gently. I kind of hear voices or muttering but it doesn’t scare me. But right next to me, I hear a cough real loud, so this scares the shit out of me. All of a sudden, I hear several people telling me not to move and that they are going to fix me and stuff like that, so I got really scared. I tried to move but could not and I even had trouble breathing (I kind of sounded like a pig at some times). Finally, I woke up because of the alarm.
I’d like to know how to control this because I didn’t really like my experience. Even had a few auditory hallucinations in the shower afterwards.
Thanks for your time!
ive been having the same dream for at least 4 weeks and i need help the dream gos that im walking home to my house with my gf and half way through the walk i see this shadow demon take my spirit out of my body and a large black cat walks around. my gf sees my spirit and trys to come to me but the demon takes her to this abyss and when i start to go toward the entity to save her my body becomes this large red demon and then i wake up in a cold sweat i need help
The weirdest thing for me was the fact that in my dream last night when I realized I was dreaming or “became lucid” I looked around at the people in my dream (I was in a hotel lobby/restaurant) they all stopped eating, stopped talking, and were all just staring at me. It was like they knew I knew..and it really freaked me out! One man even got out of his chair and started walking towards me like he was going to attack me..but I pretended like I just forgot I was dreaming and looked out the window and said “oh what’s out there?” and he sat back down and they all went on talking..it really gave me the chills. It makes me wonder…how can I realize I’m dreaming and talk to those people without them getting angry!?
So lately for the past couple of days i have been having these very odd dreams im not sure what they mean; but it always have to do with some form of demonic event.
The first dream i had was me talking about this place where there is this talent search thing going on and i end up driving there. But the area seems like an old country and the season is fall where the wheat grass is dry. And i drive up to the place and it looks like one of those little town malls that just have little stores. When going inside the room i kinda dim but easy to see i ask the girl that was working at a desk about the talent search and where is it, the girl just pointed and said, over their and ask for a the guys name. So i walk in the back and there is little children in old Victorian white dresses all getting their picture taken and a little far from that their is this young man that looks around his mid 20’s sleeping on a bed and he was very attractive. So i sit next to him on the bed like i new him but i didn’t and i asked if he was the one to judge for the talent. His eyes were closed then he opens them and says yes, i told him im here to try out and for some reason when i looked straight at his face i could not stop looking at his eyes. I couldn’t look away his eyes were a green red mixture and i did not feel safe. I looked away and he started touching my arm and i pull away from him. He then garbed me and pushed me to the bed and said ,” if your mine damn the rest if your not damn you” in a voice that didn’t sound human more demonic. And some how i got away running from him and he said hell be looking for me.
When i woke up from the dream i didnt not think of it again and just put it in the back of my mind. but then i had this other dream a day later.
The other dream is when i go out with some friends to get a drink or two and having a great time. When i arrive home i black out and i wake up strapped to a hospital bed giving birth to a child, then the child is born it looks like a demon baby . Their were loud screaming and when i look around the guys face from the last dream was there but he looked angry, pleased and deformed in a way that looked like a demon.
I’am kinda scared if ill have another dream like it again.
Mel – I’ve had similar “resistance” from dream figures before. The important thing to remember is that in the dream realm, the feelings you feel can be mirrored by an expressed by other dream figures, because the separation between self/other is very complex. try being thankful when you’re lucid, and this attitude will allow for easier navigation. it’s a tightrope to be sure.
Crystal, sorry to hear about your disturbing dreams. I wish I could interpret them, but it’s hard to do in a comment. demon-looking characters can reflect many things, but primarily they seem to be instigated by fear in the moment. their power in the dream is limited by your own actions and attitudes. perhaps a viewpoint is trying to get through to your conscious mind and using scare tactics? take comfort that you have the strength to face whatever it is that is hounding you.
this is very strange,but today as i was taking a nap with my 5 yr old daughter ,as falling asleep i was seeing very strange pictures.one of a man a woman wearing white and was standing in front of a car with the wind blowingboth seemed to be wearing glasses,the other were two men.one of these men had dark hair,and i was seeing him in the clouds,then the other man i couldnt see but from chin down.i remember for some odd reason i was calling him a son of a bitch.well, after calling him a bad name in my dream,that i was seeing myself in i started to wake up and as i was trying to wake up i felt as though my soul was being sucked out and couldnt move.finally after being able to move i got up and looked around to see what was going on and i was hearing voices of two woman talking…what could be causeing this,and it scares the hell out of me. i go to church every sunday and worship the lord.iam a christan.. so please can anyone tell me whats happening?
Racquel, sounds like you had an episode of sleep paralysis with accompanied dreaming. check out this post:
so the 2 pros who studied lucid dreaming and became really good at it had to deal with a buncho demons? everybody has to overcome a army of demons to reach enlightment. sounds like a journey i have to start on… its like were all controlled by demons until we fight back and take ahold of our true selves, in our DREAMS? then we can understand what it means to be fully alive? that must mean there are thousands or millions of people(demons) who have been overcome by demons. its a fuckin battle between satan and god?.. HOLY fuck
Vinnie, you’re cracking me up. but I never mentioned a battle between satan and god: but if that’s part of your cosmology, it may show up in your fearful lucid dreams. it’s more about the shadow side of life — the things we fear, “the worst things,” the experience of suffering, etc –is for some lucid dreamers a part of becoming more aware of what we’re made of.
When I was young, I had terrible reoccurring nightmares. I had one in particular where I was with someone in a car and the person would vanish. I would be in the passenger seat and the car would become out of control. I struggled with how to stop these dreams from happening. I spent time thinking about the dream and why it was a dream and what I could do to stop the car. At some point when the dream happened I realized it was a dream, took control of the car and pulled it over without it crashing. I still lucid dream all the time and frequently experience sleep paralysis. I remember a time when I would have nightmares where I would take control of the dream and change it to my liking. If I dreamt I was running from someone I would run faster, get away and be safe. However, for the past few months, my dreams have been getting darker. I realize I am dreaming but I can’t change what is happening. I tell myself to wake up, and try to force myself to notice the oddity of the dream and how I am really safe. Sometimes I succeed in waking only to be stuck in sleep paralysis. I had this particularly frightening dream recently… I was at some sort of church gathering with all of my closest family and friends. We were happy, until I slowly started noticing my family and friends changing into these frightening creatures one by one. The group of my “normal”, unchanged people ran away from the frightening people. The group was diminishing quickly as everyone changed. Eventually I found myself with just my boyfriend. However, he turned too. I have had several dreams like this. I know I am dreaming, I am a frequent lucid dreamer and previously I could always control my dreams. I could always wake myself, or change what was happening. Lately, these dark dreams have been increasing and the presence of these fake family/friends look alikes has been taking over my other dreams. I have difficulty getting a good nights rest without these nightmares. I really don’t understand why I can control some things in my dreams, but when the fake people are present I can’t change anything.
I had a really scary nightmare last night. I normally don’t have nightmares at all. I’m actually not sure if I was awake or asleep. I’m assuming I was having a nightmare.
I was sleeping inmy bed ( I had been in and out of sleep all night) and I felt like something very dark and evil was in my room. I felt its presence come from the closet and around my bed and stood right over me. The whole time it was shouting and screaming horrible things at me. I tried to pretend I wasn’t awake and I couldnt hear it because I felt like if it knew I was awake it would try to hurt me in some way. I was afraid to open my eyes and look at it. I knew it had to be scary & ugly.
Also, not sure if this is related but my husbands cousin is going through a really dark period in his life right now. On his FB page he’s got all kinds of photos of him doing drugs, human skulls and creepy symbols & people. I went through all his photos and this is the same night I had the nightmare. I know that some people that are really into magic can cast a spell to send things after people that try to meddle with them. Do you think this the case?
Jenn, I’m sorry to hear about your family worries. this sounds possibly like a hypnagogic nightmare, which sometimes comes with sleep paralysis. you mentioned not being sure if you’re awake or asleep, feeling an evil presence, which are common with sleep paralysis. here’s more: http://dreamstudies.org/2010/01/22/sleep-paralysis-treatment-wake-up-cant-move/
nightmare in general can be instigated by stress. here’s an article about how to reduce nightmares in general: http://dreamstudies.org/2010/09/02/14-tips-for-getting-rid-of-nightmares/
Before going down the hexed route, I recommend the tactics in the above articles to prevent more outbursts.
I had a very weird dream last night… First off I am suicidal and I have homicidal thoughts. I’ve been seeing a therapist fro a couple months now and I’ve seem to be getting better. But I feel as if something doesn’t want me to get better, something evil. I went to bed at 12 o’clock last night and thought I saw something in my room, but I end up ignoring it and going to sleep. I had a dream that I was sleeping and then all of a sudden I felt something push me down on my bed and I felt a pain go through my body, like something was tourchering me. I tried to scream but I felt like I had no voice, and then I remember telling myself ‘go tell mom!!’ and I remember in my dream I felt the need to tell my mom to send me back to the mental hospital…. It was so weird, and when I woke up it was 1 o’clock, just an hour after I had went to bed… What do you think is wrong with me?
Dear Ryan,
Thanks for your articles, they are awesome. Since i was i kid i had try this “lucid dreaming” but never red about it so never tried any tecnique. Although 2 times i managed to do it with horryfing results of a great deamon scaring me (kicking out of the dream), i woke up so scared that i dont want to go back sleep in a while. I also have woke up from a nightmare to another dream with this paralysis you mention. Very frightning 😛 This is the first time i “google it” and i found so accurate of what hapens to me… thanks for your articles and sorry for my pour english.
I had a horrifying night last night, that consisted of 4 different dreams. But all four had a demon/devil in them. Had a white face, green yellowish eyes, red pupils, long pointy ears and smelt like death. I would wake up after having them hovering over me bout 4-5 inches away from my face. It felt like they were trying to get in me.. I also woke up all four times with my chest aching. can someone please tell me what I might be up against here? I can’t sleep or relax since it happend.. I feel off.
So, I’ve read about lucid dreaming and false awakenings and I’ve experienced both, but what I dreamt (and have dreamed before) I haven’t found anything about.
I was having a normal dream and after a while I was able to take control of what was happening but all of a sudden I was laying in my bed as if I had woken up. I was laying on my side facing away from the door and I had this sensation that I had my purse on my shoulder and someone was tugging at it; trying to take it. It didn’t speak but I knew it was saying “Stephanie, give it to me” over and over. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling/shaking me to roll over and look at it and it kept repeating my name and each time the voice turned into more of a growl. Then a “pressure” of the “pressence” felt like it was laying on me and still trying to get me to turn and look at it. After that it felt like someone was sucking on my neck. Not in a sexual way but like (for a lack of a better term) they were trying to “posses” me in away. Not like a demon would in a scary movie but like to have me or take me. I don’t really know how to decribe it. Then suddenly I felt it leave but could still feel the pressure of every sensation from when it was on me, touching me, etc. Then everything thing was gone. I knew then I was fully awake but I was still terrified to move or turn around.
I know it was a lucid dream and a false awakening but I don’t know how I felt all of that when no one was there and I didn’t move. Please help lol. I’ve had dreams like this before but this was the most disturbing.
hi Stephanie, that sounds like a classic example of what is known as sleep paralysis with hypnagogic hallucinations. It’s really something unique, and is actually the original “night mare.” read more about it here. long story short: you’re not being possessed, this is a biological phenomena but it can be very intense psychologically. http://dreamstudies.org/2010/01/22/sleep-paralysis-treatment-wake-up-cant-move/
I could never really understand why anyone would “try” to have a lucid dream. I have been having these types of dreams since I was a child, and trust me they come on as nothing that I want – they just happen. Sleep paralysis is not fun, nor enjoyable for me at all either. Don’t get me wrong – I dream good dreams, have nightmares and I have peaceful sleep as well……Anyway – Normally, I do not share my dreams with people I do not know..but last night I had a dream that was a little more than weird to me. It was a type of lucid dream and I also experienced sleep paralysis. It was after my husband came home from work and my daughter came home from visiting one of her friends …..My son had already gone to bed and I had been “napping” on my favorite couch spot in my home office, but woke up long enough to greet them both and tell them that I loved them. Afterwards, I feel asleep (In what I call “that state” – the “half &half”)….I heard my husband tell me – “Honey, you need to go on to bed”, and then he stated that he was going on into the bedroom. Then I fell in full sleep…then came back into “the half&half” again. I then began “dreaming” that my husband had brought me two of my supplements (the Calcium and Vit. D that I had forgotten to take that day). They looked different that then normal ones that I take, but I knew what they were. One was chewable, the other was not. I was sooo weak and sleepy in the dream (still in the half&half), that I opted only to take the chewable one. It was soo fruity tasting. I liked the “new” supplement, I thought to myself….but being so tired and weak, I did not want to get up and take the other supplement – yet I knew that I must. So I got up from my napping spot (lucid) went over to my desk where I had left my bottle of water so that I could take the pill. It felt like ages before I reached my desk. As I reached for my bottle of water, I looked through the door of my office into the foyer – as I thought I saw a shadow. I felt a dark presence coming on as if to torment me. I began to pray. Just then, my daughter walked in – I could tell that something was “wrong” with her… and I found that she was possessed. I was terrified for her and I talked with her and urged her to begin praying – she did not communicate back with me. I was intimidated for a moment, but I grabbed her in my arms and began to pray for her. The demon began making fun of my prayers, and mocking me through her. The more I prayed and demanded that the demon leave her, the weaker and more tired and sleepy I became – but I still fought hard and continued to pray. I heard something tell me, do not look in her eyes, look away and concentrate on reciting scripture out loud and pray the Lord’s Prayer. I did that. I saw that the demon was weakening, but not leaving and it was tormenting her and hurting her more. So, I went and grabbed two crucifixes off my desk and placed them on her and continued to pray. I called upon Jesus and His Holy Angels for help, and continued to command the evil spirit out of her. It finally left her….but then, it possessed my little beloved dog. I was so weak and so tired, but I repeated the process with him, the demon had made him very sick, but finally left. I called for my husband to come and help me. But of course, he could not hear me. I struggled to make my way down the hallway from the foyer to the bedroom and I saw him – laying on the bed watching TV. I made my way over to him, shouting as loud as I could, “please Honey, hear me…We need your help!” But, he did not respond. I felt so alone, so weak and so tired – but I made my way back through to the foyer, as I knew the demonic presence was still there. I looked back down the hallway and the door to my son’s bedroom opened. I felt a sense of dread, for I knew that it was now going to go after my son. I fell to my knees, growing weaker, struggling so hard just to move and prayed one last time – God help me. I felt the demon presence leave. I looked up to find that my daughter and my dog were still sitting in the foyer waiting on me. Just then, the door bell rang. I thought – who could be ringing the door bell at this hour? So, I made my way over to the door, but would not open it. I pulled back one of the sheer curtain panels on the sidelight windows to see if I could view who was there. To my surprise, there were lots of “people” in my yard. Two different vehicles parked in my driveway and one actually in my front yard. They were taking pictures and pointing at my home. They were laughing and frolicking in my yard – I was confused and somewhat scared. As I looked around – I spotted my sister and one childhood friend that I had not seen for a very long time, as they live far away from me. When I saw them, I opened the door. They all greeted me with a big hello – but, did not come close to me or approach me. I asked my sister, “what are you doing?” “What is all this?” “Why are you here with all these people?” She said, “Oh, they are people that I have met and I know them.” She began rejoicing and skipping through my yard. I looked around and saw my childhood friend…she only smiled and waved at me. Still confused – I decided to walk out onto the front stoop. I noticed that a few of the people had placed sashes of “roses” above the windows of my home. They were taking pictures of the roses on my house. I touched one – it was real, and dewy, as if they had just been picked and formed into these lovely simple sashes. I said to them all – “These are very beautiful”. Then I said, “but I am embarrassed for you to be here at this hour, for you do not know what has taken place inside my home, and I am not prepared for company – and my husband has not even cut the grass (I noticed that there were high weeds in my front yard for some reason??? – they were running and jumping through them anyway – LOL!!) They said “it is ok – We love this place, and just wanted to stop by and rejoice with you for a few moments.” Then, they began getting in the cars, and started leaving. I said to my sister – “I am confused, do you not want to come in and hear my story? Are you coming back?”. She said, “no.” “I have to go with them – but everything is ok.” So I accepted it, went back in the house and shut the door. I was confused, but I felt peace. I hugged my daughter and my dog and looked around my house. There was no more evil presence. So, I made my way back over to my “napping spot”, and laid back down (on top of myself – I could still see myself laying there). I then became paralyzed, and tried to wake myself up, but could not. I prayed in my mind once again, “Jesus, please save me, come and help me to wake up.” I then began to wake up. I heard my husband come walking down the hallway. He came over to me, and said: “Honey, you must get up and go to bed.” I was fully awake by that time. I looked at him and said, “Yes, I do.” He asked me what was wrong with me? I said, I had a bad, weird, and crazy dream. He asked me to tell him about it. I did. He prayed with me. We went to bed, and I slept very well and very peacefully.
I always have dreams i am fighting with evil spirits/demons. and i always either kill them or try to kill them in my dream. last night i had a dream that i was at my grandmas house but it was empty, no one there… the day was gloomy and suddenly became foggy.. and thats when i started sensing things around me. i am walking in their drive way and i see a dirty dirty ray running his way into their garden. next thing i know this black oddly looking hallow looking spirit with sharp teeth bites my arm so hard i felt the pain. i screamed at it so loud that i woke up and heard myself screaming at it while it was still on my arm ( its like waking up had its steps) because i was still seeing and feeling the pain…
This is not the first time i see things like this like i said, i have had so many multiple fights with evil spirits in my dreams, where i feel pain every time they hurt me, or pin me down while i sleep… i dont understand why… it really tires me..
Well I am 15 years old and have heard of lucid dreaming about a week ago. At first it seemed really cool so I tried doing it but have had little to no success so here I am now doing some research on it, also in my research I have learned about the astral project, and how you can leave your physical body, but when I was also doing my research I came across that lucid dreaming and the astral project are somehow linked to demonic and evil things, my family is catholic but I question my religion a lot but I kinda consider myself catholic, I am very confused and have so many questions about this if anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it.
Hi Roberto,
I can’t give you personal advice but I can point you towards more educational material. 🙂
Dreams have been an important part of Christianity, but today many religious authorities do not recommend this path — it’s basically a result of dream-fearing policies that gained influence over the last few centuries. Anyhow, here’s a quick history of dreams, lucidity and Christianity:
and another piece about lucid dreaming and the concept of temptation:
Thank you very much for your response I will take a look at the links described. Thanks!!!
Thanks again for the article it cleared up a lot but I still have a couple questions, when it mentions to become one with the light what is it referring to? God? And for that matter what is the light? also i am serious about pursuing lucid dreaming is there anything I should know before going any further such as precautions, tips etc.?
What I don’t understand is my dreams when they are dark, it isn’t normal human activities. The threads here are like seeing parents and people but I see some pretty messed up shit. I saw my little cousin turn into a devil worshipping whore who hated everyone, my other cousins head was a snake and his body was skinny but in the dream I don’t freak out. It’s almost as if it’s a movie or something I have no control over.. Please help and bring some light to this. I also to have difficulties balancing light and dark but I like some lean more so to the light but have inner darkness.
the messed up shit always comes out when we have an expectation for it. It’s difficult to stop a habit of imagining the worst things… but my guess is you probably have an active imagination in waking life too. this is normal, believe me, and one of the most effective ways I know for cleaning up the dream act in a natural and respectful way is to do gratitude exercises in waking life. it will wash over into the dreamworld too when u need it the most. http://dreamstudies.org/2011/10/25/stabilizing-lucid-dreaming-with-gratitude-and-forgiveness/
I had a really desturbing dream when I was younger, and have always remembered it and am reminded of it, and I don’t know why. … I’d walk into some sort of large building, and the walls and objects were all mirrors. All of my family and friends were there, and we would all be enjoying our time together. Then all of the sudden people would be running and screaming. They would be lifted up in the air and thrown. Ripped apart and tortured while I wasn’t even touched. And I was so very afraid. And then I’d realize that there were beasts in the reflections of the mirrors. They would do all these horrible things to the people I love and care about while looking and smiling at me. I felt helpless because I didn’t know what to do. I was so very scared. What confused me was that they wouldn’t even touch me. It’s like they just enjoyed seeing me in great pain and not being able to do anything to stop them. … For some reason I’ve always felt that dream was important, but I’m not quite sure what it means.
that is a disturbing dream. it certainly touches upon a strong fear that all of us can be party to: the importance — and frailty– of the lives of our families and friends. it’s the kind of dream that may come up due to waking life fears of “not knowing what to do” in life decisions, or in participating with new roles and responsibilities. if it’s coming up now in memory, that nightmare still must hold a piece of that old fear, but in response to life now… (this is what I would say if it were my dream, anyways). try working with the dream in imagination: what could you do to help your friends and family? be playful about it — it’s your dream and anything is possible…
I am haunted a lot by dreams of death… but recently, vampiric dreams haunted my sleep too… really weird stuff too!
I just had a lucid dream for a long time. Everything was fine til a point where i wanted to meditate on a thought, to get a best answer from myself. I remember sitting down, closeing my eyes. Everything was dark, the regular dark when you close your eyes. Then, the world flipped, and i felt that i was entering a place i had been to many times before, also i sensed that there was someone out there in this world (evil me or smth). This place also felt kinda evil of some sort. I paniced and the world started spinning fast and then i forced myself to woke up.
My previos encounters with nightmares in my childhood were strange also. I’ve been posessed by something 3 times before, like sleep-walking. In 1 of them, i remember that just before waking up that i encountered my dark self. And in 2 of them i kinda wanted to hurt my parents.
Hi, I have been having a dream with a demonic person now for the past few weeks. However, it is never the same dream.
The first time I was outside in a wood fenced yard with my grandpa that has passed over and my grandma (I HAVE NEVER dreamt of them even since their passing) My nephew and my two kids. We were playing and BBQ’ing and I kept seeing the kids go close to this crack in the fence. I kept calling them back over. Then they slowly wander back close again, I hear this voice. A man/deep womans voice saying “come here kids, I’m your mom” etc..weird stuff….I thought what the heck…told the kids to “get over here”…a hand was reaching through the wood slats and I run over and look through, I can see a woman I guess. Although I think it was a man presenting themselves as a woman? I yell leave, get out of here and the “THING” breaks through the wood and attacks me. I grab hold of it’s face with my hands pulling apart its mouth from both ends. As it rushes me and is trying to take me down. I am holding it’s face and saying the Our Father and Hail mary over and over again. I even woke myself up speaking outloud in my dream. Anyhow before I woke up the entity kind of just disapeared or bursted. When I woke up I was uneasy, continued to pray, but wasn’t freaked out, and didn’t have trouble going back to bed…which was really weird..anyone I tell my dreams to said they would have stayed up the rest of the night.
Then again the other night I was in a large house, or apartment building. It was dark, my husband was in the dream with me. In this dream I knew the being was somewhere, I felt it. It was almost like I was looking for it while it watched us from where ever it was. Finally finding it, it attacks me again…I fight it again and it disappears. I don’t know what to think? I can’t get that horrific face out of my head and can’t stop thinking about it or why it keeps coming to me. This thing looks like the movie exorcist. It is fricking crazy scary. I don’t know what to do or what it means. I have heard of spirit attacks or psychic attacks in dreams by evil beings…How do I stop it?? HELP!!!
I’ve been having these reoccurring dreams where I’m in a large hotel/house. Its very old looking and no one is there, but every time I have the dream I see spirits as normal people walking around. In the first dream a burnt man came running at me and burnt me with his cigarette, I ran to another room that resembled a waiting room and saw a middle aged woman breathing quite heavily as if she couldn’t breathe. My second dream I was on the outside of the hotel and was running away from the woman who couldn’t breathe. In my most recent dream I was staying there with someone and we ended up sharing a bed, in the morning we woke up and took a picture as if for a vacation. The pictures were developed the next day and revealed three human outlines, two adults and one child. except they were mostly black you only saw a little bit of them, that’s how all the pictures looked. With spirits in the background, but no one could see but me.
Hi.. I always had a dream about evil and demons that wants to possess me but luckily I can outwit them and I always feel exhausted after dreaming. Here is one example. I was with my friends and we went for a trip. As we about to go home, I told them not to leave their belongings behind because a soul from the room might follow a person who will left his things. Its afternoon that time when we started waiting for a bus. One person was being possessed (I don’t know who he is). That person stared at me with an intent to kill. He has a knife and I’m planning to injure him in the eye to defend myself but I didn’t do it. I was scared so I ran across and ride to another car. I don’t know what happen to my friends after that. It was beginning to dark so I get down in the car and then I saw a church. I entered the church and walk in the spherical stairs. As I walk that stairs I saw people who are possessed, I was shocked and I don’t know what to do. I want to protect myself from evil forces but I don’t know how. There are lots of possessed people in whatever direction I looked .I was so scared and I want to get out of there immediately. Though I’m scared I want to help them. Then I saw people who exorcised those who are possessed. As I walk in the church, there is someone I’m with all along but I don’t know who he is. That person told me that I have to learn how to exorcise and I was puzzled. I got out of the church and run away from that place. I know that guy gave me something to protect myself but I just don’t remember it.