A couple quick blog recommendations today:
The first is a new blog about dreams and consciousness: Oneirology +.
The focus is on lucid dreaming and science of sleep. They post articles, images, and original blogs that explore the interconnection of mind and brain as well as cognition and consciousness in dreams and sleep states.
And for an original look at dreams and lucid dreams, go to Lucider Waking. Lucider writes about lucid dreaming from the perspective of transpersonal psychology, and also has some original pieces that explores the topic from an East-West vantage. He doesn’t update often, or have an RSS reader yet, but there’s plenty of material to whet your palate.
And if you haven’t found this site yet, check out World of Lucid Dreaming. Lots of articles, book recommendations, and opportunities for getting deeper into lucid dreaming. The site specializes in lucid products, such as Mp3 downloads on biurnal beats for meditation and lucid dreaming induction.
Thanks for the links!
Just wanted to point out that one of them has a wrong URL, should be: http://lucider.wordpress.com/
no problem Seth! and thanks for the heads up on the broken link.